Genesis Motes

Little annoyed that that drop rate of these is so low. What do we have to sacrifice to get an increase. I understand the patch is going to be out a while but when there is one spot to farm and its not even hyper spawnable, something has to change.

Pls, i beg you.


Not to mention the less than 1% drop rate on many synthesis form schematics’ reagent needed to craft them or those just plain behind a normal raid run… what was the thought process on this supposed “zone” system for mount collectors?



Grind till we manage to produce more content.

I would personally like to see either some item that I can purchase with Cyphers to increase the number of motes dropped or a Pocopoc buff that does this.

But sadly I won’t expect anything to improve this until the .5 patch as that’s typically when systems like this get a review & they decide whether the general masses are behind and need a “catch-up”.

Well i have enuf mats to make like 8 mounts but i need about 400 or more motes for each mount… thats 3200 motes, meaning i gota grind out 3200 mobs lol ?


Open world players asked for non-skill non-timegated content. This is that content. Enjoy the grind buckaroo.

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I’ve made two things and I’ve got over 600 right now and still need to get lattices and other crap.

You’ve got like 17 months of this place. I think the drops are fine and you can join farming groups.

Tonight in raid I got 2 ragepearls within 2 kills.

RNG blows hard, I don’t even need them.


It does seem a little odd the thing we need thousands drops in such small quantities.
I would have thought with all the other RNG drops, the motes would be raining down.
Gotta keep people grinding away until 2023 I guess.

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So the new protofrom synthesys is pretty freaking cool. I love hunting for drops and rareish items to use to craft pets & mounts. This is the feature I was most excited about for this patch.

But the scarcity of genesis motes kind of ruins the whole thing. Why was that necessary?

Right now, unless you want to spend hours in front of a portal in genesis fields to swipe spam your way to 300 motes, it takes a really long time to get enough motes to make even one pet.

and honestly, I’m kind of past the point where I think grinding a “currency” like that is engaging gameplay. We already have to hunt for the lattices and glimmers (and I think that’s fine, and even fun) , also having to grind the motes is overkill.

I’d like to see either an increase in mote drops, or a decrease in mote cost, or let us purchase motes from a vendor for flux.


If you unlock Olea Manu through Altonian Understanding and doing questline, he sells cache that gives you motes and other things like transmogs.

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I’m enjoying it but I agree with the OP, mote drop rate could use a boost, or other ways to buy them. Maybe take the useless cosmic flux and sandstorm relics and let us buy genesis motes with them


Buying motes with sand worn relics could be a good fit.

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It’s like 700 cyphers (several days work) for 20 motes (~2 minutes of grinding). It’s not even remotely worth mentioning as a source of motes. The transmogs are cool though if you get one (super low drop rates)

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People always have extra Cyphers, some a lot. Get the mount/pet you want first. Do we have to have everything finished so fast? Then complaining nothing to do.

You already have to do a ton to get the rest of the stuff, including some recipes, to craft things.
Making the currency, that’s what the motes are in function, an incredibly mindless grind doesn’t add anything to it.
Getting the lattices, cores and other misc. items takes a ton of time and effort.
Getting recipes takes time, effort and prayers to the RNGods.
700 cyphers to 20 motes is insane, but nobody is buying the caches for that. It’s for the hope and prayer you get the ultra rare crafting materials that already gated the crafting without the extra barrier of motes.


14,000 something flux, would be nice if 9.2.5 introduced other uses for these things… (like a vendor for protoform synthesis reagents for cosmic flux/relics)

You’re going to be spending a lot of that flux in the coming weeks upgrading Mythic+ gear to 278 and then making Mythic-quality tier pieces with the Catalyst.

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Those caches at most give you 25 motes. I can kill like 10.mobs for that. It’s insulting considering how much those caches cost

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My bags are cluttered with all the other materials at this point, but I just can not use them without actively grinding motes. I agree. Just decrease the mote cost, let us purchase this stuff for flux or cyphers… or increase the drop rate. Make it so rares can drop a big chunk of them, so hunting rares actually is worth something.

Doesn’t that cache that you’re talking about cost like… 700 cyphers? That take several days to farm? I managed to buy one so far and it had 10 motes or so. That’s not really a good way to farm them.

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