Genesis Motes

for the one, semi efficient spot that could get nerfed?

thats the thing the fact that it takes so long makes me not want to do it at all

If your entire argument is based on “they might do this but I’m making it up because I don’t know,” then that’s not much of an argument.

They didn’t want this to be something that was easy or fast to do. They took rare drop mounts and turned them into three or four rare drop materials to stretch out something to do on the zone.

It’s not a good design, imo, but the droprate for motes was based off of someone not farming obsessively for the other mats and schematics and was instead based off those who just find them as they stumble upon them.

It’s supposed to take all 17 months in their eyes— if not longer.

is it though? considering they are planning a season 4 and creation catalyst coming soon? having ONE worthwhile farm spot and i use worthwhile loosely. is insulting.

Not a clue what the creation catalyst has to do with anything. Season four doesn’t encompass a new zone or any new content. It’s a .5 patch with the same raids and rehashed dungeons.


creation catalyst means people will want to be running m+ or raid, not farming a portal.
season 4 is 8 different dungeons, and tuned harder versions of the raid… things people will want to do… not farming a portal

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You’re a druid. You can farm the entire non-elite side of the zone over and over all you want. Start at one end and work your way to the next, rinse repeat, or just earn them as you do things. Or make your own farming groups. You have options. You just don’t like them.

New instanced content is meaningless to the zone that won’t change. Not everyone cares about M+ dungeons and raids and your farming isn’t based on others.

i dont do m+ or raiding im just wanting the collections
guess thats why i want the drop rate to increase
so i feel like what im doing is worth while

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A droprate has zero to do with whether the end result is worthwhile. I’ve given you at least three options now. Do it or don’t. The droprate for motes isn’t predicated on people obsessively farming for the rare drops.

It only hurts when I care.

(as long as it’s a secondary goal slowly accumulating in the background so that I can craft a pet a week or so, I like the system … but if it ever becomes my primary goal to farm mats, my opinion flips)

Let us buy Motes with Flux and/or Sandworn Relics.

PLEASE. My bags are so cluttered with “rare” materials I can’t even use because of the STUPID GENESIS MOTES SALES TAX ON EVERYTHING.


I have not actively farmed Genesis Motes but I have a lot of them (in my opinion, a couple hundred is a lot) just from doing dailies and whatnot.

In my opinion, the drop rate isn’t as bad as people claim. Like, at all. I have a lot on the two toons that I run through ZM. And I don’t even do the dailies every day.

If you don’t do m+ or raiding then, this is what you have for current content. Take that however you like.

You can’t even make anything with 200 Motes.


Can you point to me where I said you can? I’ll wait.

You said 200 is “a lot”. So even if you have “a lot” of Motes, you can’t make anything?

So to make anything you need “way way way way more than a lot”.

That seems really silly.


But can you point to me where I said you can? Waiting.

You didn’t, you said 200 was a lot of motes, I’m saying it’s not, because 200 motes isn’t even enough to do anything.

Get it?

You DON’T have a lot of motes.


But can you point to me where I said you can make something with 200 motes??? No? Okay then.

200 motes, when most take 400+ per item, ok