Genesis Motes

The current drop rate is fine. I would much rather farm motes that will eventually allow me to make a mount versus killing a rare 1x/day for months.

Dosent take that long , i have enuf for 8 mounts , worth of hardly doing any work
 im just missing 3200 motes

Protector won’t drop my key. It’s all I want, all I neeeeeed! Meanie.

That’s not an opinion. It’s a circumstance. Also

Bruh, they stack to 1,000. You’re arguing with someone who wants more motes to enjoy their farming and collecting a bit more saying it’s fine how it is, and the complaint you respond with can be solved in literally under a second with a click and drag. :joy:

I know you love to argue on the forums, but come on.

More than that even! They stack to 5,000. (You need 18k’ish to make everything).


Oh, nice!

Although I probably only need about half that. I picked my favorite color of each one I want and am trying to farm those. Might snag a few pets with extras. :smiley:

just opened an olea cache
15 motes and a tmog staff i already had

not a viable option


If I were in your shoes I’d consider buying the lattices on the AH. THey are cheap on my server currently.

I’m still working on the RNG ones.
One drops from frogs, one from the paragon cache, one from the 550k elites in the dunes, the pulp covered relic one and I need two more from inside the raid(not RNG but I don’t have me yet).
Even with all that still needed I am relatively certain I won’t have nearly enough motes any time soon. At least they are BoA so I don’t feel like playing alts is setting me back on crafting them.

While this is technically true, I dont have 17 months of this place where I’ll be engaged enough to do content that gives motes. I’m already falling off now ever since I hit revered, and I imagine I’ll stop doing ZM content entirely once I hit exalted.