General Forums Already Pushing for Breaking Changes

They’ve made dozens believe me…it’s all over the forums already. This one got made in opposition to changes/Classic+, so it’s not really the same

Activision acquired ownership of Blizzard several months before the launch of Wrath. Which really shows since Wrath PVE content is really lacking.

Of course you will never stop, because you’ll never get it.

For those who believe that change is inevitable or has to happen to avoid stagnation and population decline, etc…Although that argument does have merit…it’s not up for debate with regard to Classic.

Classic MUST STAY the way it is for future players and veteran players alike…no ifs, ands, or buts. PERIOD END.

Those of you who want changes or new content via Classic+ can have them on SEPARATE clients/servers. The minute any of us #nochangers are forced to take part in it by losing Classic, we will all quit and Blizzard will lose millions of dollars a month they are currently making from resubs…Those of us who ASKED for Classic who have returned more than a decade later to play the game that we fell in love with…not the garbage that retail is now

I honestly thought it happened post Wrath since Cataclysm was such a massive shift in game design and story/lore. Still, I did enjoy Wrath a great deal, and have no qualms whatsoever about playing it again, should Blizzard go to make a Classic version of it on a separate client. Dungeon finder was the only misstep that got made IMO, but the first version of it only included people from your own server, so it wasn’t the quite the cancer it became later on. However, I advocate that Blizzard should use an earlier patch to avoid it altogether if Wrath is put out later on down the road.

Truly bizarre I wonder why we like it so much when you’ve mathematically proven how terrible it is. Guess we’re just attracted to broken things. See you in Azeroth!


No More Changes.

What me or you want is 100% irrelevant. This is Blizzard’s game, and they’re free to do whatever they feel like doing with it.

That may be so, but Blizzard has already stated their intent with Classic in wanting it to be a museum piece. Ion has stated that changing Classic would be like opening Pandora’s Box…When put into the proper perspective regarding these comments, it is crystal clear that Classic will NOT change or go away as long as retail is still around

My favourite part about #NoChanges is that if I say I hate 99.9% of Retail, love 99.8% of Classic/Vanilla, but want something stupid like a bloody barbershop or anything absolutely inconsequential, it means I’m a Retailbabby and should Go 2 ReTaIl!!!1!!111!

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Pandora’s Box remember??

It’s the same thing as the Butterfly effect. If you travel back in time and accidentally step on and kill a butterfly, then go to return to the present, it could have unforseen consequences/effects on that future timeline.

Not to mention that any ONE single change, just sets a precedent for everyone else to push for THEIR changes…so no not happening…do not pass Go do not collect $200

Well that depends, good sir…was there a barbershop in Vanilla? hmmm? hmmhmmm…hmmmmmmmmmm?

Only a Dwarf would be against a razor.

“Muh slippery slope” is not an argument. Adding a hairdresser won’t open the gates for “Well I can change my hair soooooooo you should let my gear titanforge and I should also get that gear for free lol.”

The whole point of Classic is the grind… You want better drop rates you play retail pretty simple. You get PLENTY of drops over there. We don’t need it here. Work for it or don’t get it… I could understand fixing classes,bugs etc. But that is just not something that should be changed.

Actually it is…go look at the state of retail…ALL of the things that were added/changed over the years were made because people like YOU QQ’d/whined/raged on the forums to get them. It is literally a REAL case of “You think you do, but you don’t”. And the fact that those same players are now demanding just about everything under the sun for Classic+ and insisting “We know better what the game needs now” is laughable. Their hubris will be the game’s undoing…YET AGAIN


What unforseen consequence did the inclusion of the HD water have? How about the dynamic shadows? Foliage? SSAO?

How about the Modern raid frames? Auto-loot from mailbox?

Some things can be added at no cost to the Classic experience.

Yes that is what I tell players.
Also the players can demand all they want.
I know Blizzard is not going to change classic.
Classic is here to stay as Classic.
Wait until TBC and LK then watch the forums.
I know Blizzard will not change them.
Blizzard can not and will not change Classic.

I came back for Classic, staying for LK.

i still enjoy regularly playing games from up to three decades ago so not sure what you’re implying.

All of which are irrelevant. Those are things that Blizzard had allowed to carry over from the 7.3.5 era Legion game engine…that is NOT the same as people asking for MORE changes to the game. Apples and oranges there