Let us grind them into essences, please?
This is a JC issue. When we prospect ore, we sometimes get essences which we need to craft.
We also get a huge surplus of gems that sell for pennies on the AH.
Let us grind them into essences, please?
This is a JC issue. When we prospect ore, we sometimes get essences which we need to craft.
We also get a huge surplus of gems that sell for pennies on the AH.
Not sure what you’re talking about bub.
Could you explain what you mean by “useless?” Last I checked, free stats that you otherwise would not have wasn’t very useless.
I get it. Back in the day, especially Wrath to Pandaria, you could make a fortune selling gems (which I did). After cutting back on which armor pieces took gems, the amount that even HAD slots, the need to switch gems out and slashing their stats, there is little incentive for people to buy them.
Personally I grind up my ore when the prices are in the toilet to get gems and then sell the gems to a vendor. It makes me more gold that way most of the time and gets rid of the annoyance of losing silver on auctions that don’t sell.
I would love to be able to grind gems into reasonable amounts of anima or something.
Gems, themselves, are very useful.
If you are speaking in terms of it being a profession to make money, then all professions have gone down the drain from several expansions ago.
Give them to me to vendor shuffle.
I’ll take them happily
I made a ton with gems in Legion. Not sure what happened in BFA, but they were selling for less than 10g on my realm. Wasnt worth bothering with. I just deleted Jewelcrafting on the character entirely and took, engineering and mining.
Im going to guess OP meant domination gems hence mentioning essences, like in BFA
That would make a lot more sense. I’m a bit hesitant to integrate domination shards into a system we’d need moving forward though. Even if we remove the reliance on dom shard gear I’m not sure it’s a good idea to make future raid tiers reliant on a specific set of drops from a previous raid tier. That’s not good for alts or returning players.
We need a system to incorporate a previous system into our current system.
Can we just baseline gem socketed gear back like we used to have? Two sockets per armor piece. Head sockets again, too. Spellthreads back, too.
You know, all of the things that were removed that helped professions make money and players be able to customize their gear.
*except alchemy
Even alch can be hit or miss sometimes with the mats going for more than the potion/flasks are worth
I wouldn’t mind seeing gem slots becoming deterministic again. The RNG between proc’ing with a slot is something I wouldn’t min seeing go away and making raiders in general more reliant on jewelers wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world I think. It’s difficult for the professions that don’t make consumables to remain relevant these days without something ridiculous like legendaries.
oh my god it’s mel brooks
I’m reading your book right now, it’s pretty great
Do you think that’s because alchemy is the only truly irreplaceable profession? Every other profession either makes things that you can either replace with the right comp (ie: drums) or makes things that you only need to buy once rather than every raid night (gems/enchants). The professions that make gear seem to get the shortest stick since other than legendaries, there’s not much demand for what they make.
It’s already bad enough that many slots need to get an enchant to make a new drop usable. I prefer a world where an item drops and I can equip it right away. The sockets we have right now are like a happy medium that sometimes proc in certain slots but you don’t need to keep multiple gems in your bag in anticipation of filling slots.
Enchanting weapons is probably the only slot I actually like enchanting, as it’s a kind of “ritual” that celebrates attaining a new piece of the fattest kind of loot.
As far as other professions, I feel like alchemy and cooking are the only professions I find particularly immersive. I like that aspect of collecting rare herbs or cooking up meats, it reminds me of actual RPGs. Beyond that, I’m reminded of how that legendary I’m buying off the AH is actually costing 10$ worth of gold.
I still think we need to be able to just attain rank 6leggos via flux personally -
maybe, but I’d attribute most of it to how used alchemy is.
with enchanting and jewelcrafting for example, we get an item, buy an enchant or gem and don’t replace it for weeks/months, if at all.
with alchemy, we’re popping 2-3 flasks a night every raid night, pots every pull (or two if a stupidlong fight), health potions as necessary.
and tha’ts just for raid. the amount of alchemy consumables we use goes up astronomically if we’re running a bunch of keys.
it’s ridiculous, the earning potential of alchemy compared to jewelcrafting. enchanting makes a bit more because enchants hold their value longer. you don’t see the best enchants going for 40g a few days after release. gems are so cheap they may as well just hand them out on a vendor.
Drop a guild bank. Problem solved.
Sorry, but gearing was more fun when it was customizable and professions had a normal and better use.
Alchemists don’t make that much. Herbalists do. The margins are pretty small for alchemy because just about anyone can buy herbs off the AH and convert them into potions or flasks. This expansion doesn’t have alchemy procs or leveling specific potions/flasks like BFA so there’s no edge to be had.