Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Honestly with the numbers they are pushing wq rewards-wise, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were planning to remove a level of raiding. No real reason to have lfr, normal, heroic, and mythic if the rewards are equal to minimal effort wqs. There aren’t raid teir bonuses anymore and you get equal if not better itemization from m+. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they shaved off lfr and called it normal moving forward.

a mdi which is a mario pve esport m+ run…lmao.

So it doesn’t hurt my gameplay and esports aren’t really a factor in the issues that faces WoW?

I’d agree with that

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The trinkets are sub par at best. The traits are usually not optimal and everything else usually has terrible secondaries. 400 ilvl won’t get you in a +10 LFG. Take the same ilvl from someone like me who has been super casual this expansion and someone else that runs instances. Which one do you think will have better dps/throughput? It definitely won’t be the WQ guy.

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The downside being that beyond 1 mythic plus a week there is little reason to play.


esports have already made balance changes all pvp changes are for 3v3 arena. mdi will cause them to nerf classes for pve.

Why are you even here, trying to say Mario and wow are even remotely the same. Go back to your classic thread, since you obviously have nothing to contribute here.

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Like 9 of my top 10 trinkets are from WQs in fact I don’t have it equipped atm, but my 365 spyglass is better than my 395 W/ a socket from raid my armory currently shows


You tell him Cana!!

Yeah, go back to… uh, where is he from again?


No it doesn’t no it wont


Why are you doing the M+ once a week?

So you’re telling me the best trinkets in the game drop from WQs? I find that laughable.


Maybe not for everyone. But the ret sims don’t lie

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I’m not talking about DPS throughput or M+ experience, merely the gear accumulated and the way in which its handed out.

Then what’s the point of gear if not DPS/throughput/mitigation? What game are you playing?

The best ones for Transmogs do, yes!

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You are utilizing transmog: your point is irrelevant.

Why would you need anything higher then 385 to do WQ’s, Casuals literally don’t need 400 gear for the content there doing. Yet I’ve seen casuals with 3-4 425 pieces. What content would you need that level of gear for, the only answer is high M+ and Mythic raids. This entire gearing system is propping up casuals to a level they really shouldn’t be at, this is why RIO exists.


I used to look forward to trinket drops and the 4th piece of the set that made it feel special.

To me nowadays, when the gear drops, there is no excitement. More like… oh great, let me go scrap this or sell to vendor to pay for these over the top repair bills.


Because time is money and the faster I can burn the mobs down, the faster I get my objectives done. Those big appendage players will get them done even faster than I.