Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Blizzard constantly catering to casuals has gotten to the point where heroic raiding is just a waste of time and mythic raiding is just slightly above that, world quests should have been kept at 330 ilvl, or not even offer gear. i wish gearing could return to TBC


the majority of the player base is casual this generation.


Just dont inspect other players honey! Soon youll feel so much better! “Hugs, lollipops”


What else do you put behind a world quest to get people to do them?


Upgrade tokens to apply to their gear to override WF/TF random procs.


I’m a casual player. None of my gear is from a raid or dungeon. I’ve just gotten gear from WQ’s, Emissaries, the occasional Warfront, and gear I bought with Titan Residuum. How would I do in a raid if I were to go in one right now with my current gear? And is my gear better than what I could get in a raid(heroic or mythic)?


Gearwise you would be fine for everything up thru heroic BoD and M+ in the 5-8 range. The rest of it comes down to how good a player you are and how well you understand the dungeon and raid mechanics. Watch a couple of YT guides and you’ll be ok.


Thank you :slight_smile: That does answer my first question, at least I wouldn’t feel too unprepared gear wise if I decided to go into a raid. I’m an OK player, I think I’d be able to learn from videos and walk-throughs. And judging by profiles, it looks like i’d get some pretty decent upgrades, so I guess I wouldn’t feel unrewarded if I ever do decide to raid :stuck_out_tongue:


OP has best gear in the game and is still crying.

Someone please explain what is going on here.


The majority the player base has always been casual.

Even with catch up systems in place, a dedicated mythic player or raider is always going to have better gear overall, despite a few casuals getting lucky on a peice or two.


I was one of the world’s top Resto Druids for several years back in LK/Cata but over time as life has taken over more of my time I have no ability (or really desire) to be that hardcore anymore. This expansion has really been awesome for me because I can still get some of the best gear with little to no actual logging in. As long as you’re good at the game you can just grind harder Mythic+ and get gear on par with Mythic Raiders.

Personally I wouldn’t even have a subscription if it wasn’t for the fact that being casual was being catered to. In all honesty I wish they’d focus even more time into causal activities; I don’t like that they have to waste resources on hardcore raiders that take up .5% of the player base.


Nobody is happy with a nerf to their epeen.


When people come to the forums calling out “casuals” and you look at their achieves and they’ve hardly touched the game. Hilarious.


It’s obvious. If a filthy casual gets a random good TF/WF all of his gear is instantly invalidated and he is left limp and impotent.

Only he is allowed any good gear.


I mean, this kind of comes across as a whine. But I want to touch on part of this message because there is a kernal of truth to this issue that does bother me, and has since they did it.

World quests in Legion, unless I am misremembering, never offered gear like this. They got a slight bump in iLevel at some point, but they were never around Heroic raid level…

This is my issue. I understand keeping more players engaged. I understand the psychological desire of gear progression for the more casual player.

All of that said, they have, much like their admission of going too far in the one off concept for an expansion, gone too far with the world quest rewards

For those that are using WQ as a gearing avenue a happy median between LFR and normal would have worked just fine. This gets a toon to a good enough iLevel to step into normal if desired. This gets a toon to a good enough iLevel to dabble in plusses if desired. And it still gives the psychological feeling of gear progression.

Like i said, I don’t recall Legion going this extreme, and I don’t recall players complaining about this near on par as they do now VS Legion as well.


Don’t blame casuals for Blizzard’s poor design choices. I am as casual as they come these days and I loathe the gearing process. I would like to go back to any expansion that didn’t involve WF/TF.


World of Warcraft is a casual MMORPG, always has been, always will be. It was the alternate to legitimate hardcore MMORPGs at the time such as Everquest. Even back in 2004, WoW was kiddy mode compared to the real stuff.

So, welcome to 2004, it’s always been like this.


I only do the gold world emissary. Once flying opens i might do the gear ones too. Unrewarding is true. Mostly because of the design of azerite gear. It doesn’t change traits when you switch specs so I need too many pieces of gear. Its maddening.


To paraphrase someone very wise…

“It’s not enough that I succeed, others must fail.”

Sadly, that mantra is all to common in modern culture.



At your item level you could easily time plus 10s an do the first couple bosses in mythic bod. I mean you can time plus tens at item level 380. It all comes down to knowing how to play your class and knowing how to do the mechs in the dungeons an raids.

This is why titanforging an the way gearing works in WOW right now doesnt matter. A bad player with a 400 plus item level is still going to be a bad player. It doesnt matter how much gear blizzard throws at players. Mechs an good gameplay > item level.