Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Yeah, I dont know what they are going to do about it either. I was ilvl 400 like the first week mythic plus was out this tier. I like that it gives me something to do but I dont like that it made heroic raiding worthless, and if you run enough of them then it makes mythic raiding worthless.

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This is what I was commenting on. WQ giving out too good of gear may not have ruined raiding, but it does play a part in damaging other aspects of the game.

Eh, it wouldnā€™t be a problem at all if Blizzard didnā€™t decide to scale max level mobs to the point that people needed higher item level to easily do world quests.


Very true. The scaling in WOW BFA is terrible. I hate it. I also hate what they have done to professions. You can hardly make a single thing, because the materials you need might drop from the raids.

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Perhaps. That would put difficulty in a very odd place though with having the overworld be more dangerous than instanced content (not raids, I mean dungeons).

I donā€™t see what you mean?

Blizzard added scaling to Overworld Mobs, so that to start getting stronger thank the mobs and actually feel like your not getting weaker, you have to hit something silly like 350 or 360 item level.

With hitting 120 dropping you somewhere between 280 and 300 depending on what you get, you had 60 item levels worth of scaling you had to gear up through, before you started making mobs actually start getting weaker than you were.

If they just left the overworld at no scaling at 120, and left it to where 290-310 people could do content without struggling, then people wouldnā€™t need the 370+ items to just be able to world quest efficiently, and they could probably easily be quite happy with 320-340 item level stuff, and then the precious raiders could have their item level gap that they so desperately crave from the ā€œcasualsā€ and then probably get in a arguement over Mythic+ people outgear them then.

The gear over compensation is a mixture of Blizzard trying to bribe alliance players into Warmode, and trying to make people feel like their progressing against the world, even if they arenā€™t doing raid content.

The problem is that they stuck too many high base item level items around for people to skip up a bit, and the fact they made the world scale too high to the point people felt like they needed to.

Early Expansion, people were literally unequipping their necklace, to get a massive drop in item level, to be able to do world content easier.

World Quests would be more difficult to beat than dungeons. That is what I meant, since dungeons donā€™t scale.

Ie, the progression used to be dailies - dungeons - raids now it would be dungeons - dailies (WQ in this case) - raids. Not necessarily bad just very different/odd.

Itā€™s not the difficulty so much that I am worried about (though that is a part of course), just what used to be a weeks long journey has now devolved into a couple of days, at best.

The world already scales though? And itā€™s not harder than dungeons, unless you mean normal dungeons.

Thatā€™s the whole thing, if the world didnā€™t scale, the need for bumping up the average players item level wouldnā€™t exist.

It also doesnā€™t help blizzard seems to really only scale things for Heroic Raiding+ when it comes to harder content.

Or their Diablo 3 clone Mythic+

If it didnā€™t cap scaling (which it does now), it would eventually become more difficult than even heroic dungeons because you can overgear them.

Ideally for me, things would go something like:

Normal dungeon gear -> WQ gear -> Heroic dungeon gear-> LFR -> ??? for casuals, but right now it is just WQ/emissaries and warfronts. Normal dungeons are pointless, heroic dungeons are pointless, lfr is pointless other than seeing the raidā€¦ which is fineā€¦ but I am talking progression of character strength which doesnā€™t exist for casuals anymore itā€™s hit max levelā€¦ do a few thingsā€¦ done. That is far from compelling gameplay.

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Iā€™m not asking for the scaling to be uncapped.

Iā€™m wanting the scaling to not exist on world mobs. At all. Drop the world mobs back down to going up to 290 or 300, and make every item level over 300 stronger than world mobs, Then people could be at 340, doing WQā€™s without a care, and now you donā€™t have to hand out gear like candy so people can do normal solo content

Ah gotcha, I misreadā€¦ sorry about that. :slight_smile:

Eh, I donā€™t think they are giving higher level gear because of scaling because more gear wouldnā€™t matter if it scales. :wink: In theory, the more you get, the stronger they get. Of course it does cap out as I mentioned aboveā€¦ but the point is they arenā€™t giving out 400 ilvl emissaries because of scaling. Itā€™s, in my opinion, being given out in an effort to push people into normal+ raiding out of sheer lack of anything else meaningful to do and I vehemently disagree with that being a good idea.

I am largely retired from raiding entirely, and not having meaningful progress to make outside raiding just means I am not going to play at all.

EDIT: For those that skip ahead and just read the last post because I just have a feeling it is going to happen: I am not saying casuals should get higher level gear. I am saying gear acquisition should take longer.

To give an example: My Warlock has 20 hours played at level 120 (and probably at least 1/4 of that if not 1/2 of that afk) and has an ilvl of 366 while still having a 298 weapon (would be much higher with an appropriate weapon). If that isnā€™t broken then I donā€™t know what is.

Yeah, thatā€™s usually how video games go - the harder the content the better the reward. By working for something you also get the feeling of accomplishment, handouts and welfare shouldnā€™t give equal rewards.

Itā€™s truly amazing how so many people simply cannot understand such a basic concept. This is what happens when we hand out participation trophies to make sure people donā€™t get their feelings hurt for losing.


If I am going to do something challenging it better be enjoyable. As far as Iā€™m concerned I donā€™t find raiding nor dungeons exciting or enjoyable.

This was actually handled well in WoDā€¦which is a major factor as to why WoD WPvP actually was enjoyable.
Conquest gear in WPvP scaled to be comparable to Heroic level raid gear in PvP fights.

And, tbh, IMHO it doesnā€™t matter to me if a Mythic raider outgears and stomps me. Never did.
It could be frustrating, but fully geared Mythic raiders arenā€™t the majority of who youā€™d be encountering in world.

My stance had always beenā€¦ā€œThey busted their butts for itā€¦ let them enjoy it.ā€
And, tbh, it often was an incentive for me to push more and improve my gear and my play.
I killed quite a few Mythic raiders in world with my spriests in WoD -because- I pushed to be better and to play my hand more efficiently.
Not every Mythic raider is good at PvPā€¦and deficits in gear can be overcome with skill.(Though a bit less easily now with all the pruning and homogenization.)
And it felt -good- to take down people that had the advantage on me.

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Why do you care? Are you one of those who sits around in a capital city on a mount nobody else has in gear nobody else can match just to show off your greatness. Most people just glance at you and go about their business having fun in their own game.
When I did raid with an active guild, I did it for challenge, for teamwork and for accomplishment. The gear was there to be good enough to stand a chance against the boss. It was the raid and beating the bosses with friends that was the goal, not the gear.


Is it just me or did they take everything that worked in WOD and trash it and keep only the things that we complained didnā€™t work.


When I started playing WoW I was brand new to mmorpgā€™s, like keyboard turning and clicking every ability type new. After some time I started to slowly figure stuff out. I would walk around and look at other players who had amazing gear that they earned through ā€˜hardā€™ content. I wanted to get that gear too. Those players gave me something to work on and set goals to be like. So I worked hard and finally got some of that gear and found that I enjoyed ā€˜harderā€™ content.

Iā€™m not the best player around but Iā€™m not the worst. I have pretty good parses. Iā€™d call myself a pretty decent player. I still look up to the top players and strive to be more like them, they still give me an end goal to work towards.

Gearing gave me a reason to keep working harder and harder and do better. Now gearing is trash and all about luck. Itā€™s not about working harder, itā€™s about getting lucky. This expansion killed nearly all desire I have to push content since I simply donā€™t feel as rewarded for the effort.

Iā€™m not going to sit around and make numbers up regarding WoW since none of us know them, but I do know that numbers are down - at least numbers in players who actually do meaningful content. it doesnā€™t take a genius to see just how bad it really is now compared to prior expansions on numbers of people who actually do meaningful content above LFR and heroic dungeons (thatā€™s not meaningful content lol).

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report players for trolling.

click on the flag and check out the options.

itā€™s actually pretty effective.

So just a thought on the whole WF/TF issue. How would you guys feel about a compromise like this?
-Take TF/WF out and return the Valor Point system.
-Current gear ilvl drops remain the same across the board.
-Most every activity in the game awards Valor Points. Easier stuff awards some, harder stuff awards more.
-Valor Points can be spent upgrading any piece of gear by increments of 5 ilvls, up to currently 425.
-Upgrades cost more the higher it goes, so it definitely will be quite a time investment to get that piece to 425.

Casuals can have meaningful gear progression doing what they want and running harder content would have far more obvious benefits. Thoughts?

I donā€™t want you to have the same ilvl as me if you donā€™t put forth the effort and time. I donā€™t understand casuals wanting heroic level gear or mythic level gear in order to do continue to do world quest, lfr and pet battles.