Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

But it does work for those who do it, so it’s not a waste of time for them hence why it was developed.

A lot of players simply by doing the content would unconsciously be playing into the system as they would automatically be attaining score based on the content they were doing.

Well yes. Which is why I have had an issue with higher rewards from the start. It’s not that obtaining them is necessarily bad, but they interact with what players consider “difficult” content in a negative fashion.

Would the system place you at the first rung of the Mythic + ladder upon your world progression it would be a lot easier for players to get into that content. It would also be rewarding for them, because not only are they increasing their IO score passively, they are doing it because they want to and they can get gear from it.

This is one of the topics where I butt heads with other people in regards to these designs. Whilst I personally prefer a system that makes content attainable to all players and a path for progression, other people (rightly) believe that if people don’t want to progress or do harder content they should be allowed to do so.

Whilst I also agree with that sentiment I simply feel that choosing to go that route should not require compensation which affects those others who are in the middle and want to progress without yet having the experience or support from a guild.

This page outlines trust levels nicely.

There was a massive crowd of people who didn’t like Blood Elves joining the Horde in BC. Who didn’t like Worgen, or Goblins, or Pandaren, or Pet Battles, or any number of features that have been added over to the game.

You could easily blame the sub loss on any of those just as much as you can blame them on LFR or the gearing systems. Correlation does not imply causation.

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Yeah i know what your talking about i saw posts back then saying there leaveing the game when bloodelfs get added ext…Same thing happened as well for other races blameing the loot system alone is silly.

Doesn’t that blow up your suggestion earlier?
if someone spends a long time grinding WQs as part of the rep grind, they should therefore be able to get gear from it.

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Stop inspecting other and all will be fine.
You do you I’ll do me and we will all get along in Azeroth.

Place is big enough for all of us.


Great advice.

I thought skill and I.O score was all you people cared about? Why does It matter if person A somehow got his gear easier then person B?

It doesn’t only a few people have a problem with it because of there egos.

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No. It doesn’t. Especially after they nerfed the proc rate at the start of this expansion. Further, Azerite gear can’t WF/TF and weapons can only WF. The very best gear still comes from mythic raiding and you know it.

I honestly will never understand why raiders are so concerned with the ilvl on another player’s gear.
Why are you raiding? For fun? For the challenge? … What, just for the ilvl? Sounds a bit backwards. Sounds like maybe you should find something else to do.

Pointing the blame at the majority of the playerbase that keeps this whole thing afloat so you can flaunt your big mythic DPS numbers is really not the way, but okay.

I love it when a thread turns in to two people just arguing with each other over silly stuff that will never move either person off of their position!!

You know who you are… :no_mouth:

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Lol then why are mythic raiders wanting the ilvl from dailies to be lowered. Again you guys chose to do them and now your complaining because its not challenging for you. Its funny because wq were never for this purpose.

No they want everything to be challenging for them because like some person said “good gear should be earned”

Thing is I’m not pointing at the gearing system and saying that’s the only reason people have unsubscribed though. I’m just listening and reading a lot of players feedback on the game and have gotten into tons of conversations about how it affects them and their interest in playing.

So for me, I think it’s safe to say that gearing is a problem in BFA


There definitely is, imho, but I don’t think some of the posts in the thread (or the OP) are doing anything to help the matter. As I mentioned in my first post in this thread, while I agree that the gearing in BfA has major flaws, the way it was brought up in the OP is more like than not to put people’s back up. People aren’t going to listen/consider any points you may make when you (not you you of course) attack them in your opening statement. It also makes it near impossible for the more reasonable to be heard. Right or wrong, when you say something like “I agree with some of the sentiment BUT…” people aren’t going to get to the but part because they have already been riled up.


This thread is still going?

Man alot of people like arguing over item level in this game.

Honestly, for everyone complaining about WQ’s giving out too nice of gear, no one points out Mythic+ literally invalidated raiding, because you can spam them endlessly and get more gear than you ever could Raiding.

Raiding isn’t a path to gearing except in some niche BIS items anymore, Mythic+ has ruined that. WQ’s are just something people point at and complain about.


I am not concerned with what may have ruined raiding. That is their argument to have. I am concerned about what ruined my casual gameplay.

I have no idea what your talking about lol

I was just replying to the thread.

In PVP they shouldn’t have an advantage over you with gear that they got from PVE. Thats always been a problem with trying to balance PVE and PVP. If I raid, I shouldn’t be able to walk into a battle ground and destroy people. They need to separate pvp from pve. A mythic raider should be head over shoulders above someone that does world content but it shouldn’t give them an advantage in pvp.