Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

We only did the first two bosses.

Thatā€™s almost every raid though. If you want to raid Mythic with the mindset of clearing the raid, what he said is 100% correct. If you wish to fight bosses that are still around that Heroic level of difficulty that are the first few bosses then sure I guess.

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So you are Alliance! We are getting somewhere

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Sweet maybe you can find me one day!

When did you guys use hero?

I just reciprocated speaking for you like you were doing for me in the post I responded to. And then I immediately admitted that it was entirely fabricated. And this is the response you give. Lol. Bonus salt points for the follow up humblebrag, ā€œI donā€™t have enough experience doing content designed for the common plebs so I donā€™t share my opinion about itā€. But whatā€™s funny is yes, yes you do. Every single time you complain about forging and want it removed or capped youā€™re sharing an opinion about content ā€˜lowerā€™ than what youā€™re doing.

Letā€™s see if your crying has had an impact:

Forging still in 8.2ā€¦ Check
Heroic raid rewards from non-raid content still in 8.2ā€¦ Check
M10+ weekly chest reward still 5 ilvl lower than Mythicā€¦ Check

The poor mythic raiders have my thoughts and prayers!


Sorry, no more clues for you!

Did you ever get multi sided or were you lucky?

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Active players still plummetingā€¦Check!!


And when you can prove itā€™s because of those things Iā€™d be happy to continue this discussion. For the, what, 10th, 11th time Iā€™m not interested in your confirmation bias.

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If everyone is so happy with the systems like you say, why have we lost over 1m active 120ā€™s since 8.1 dropped?


First, unless youā€™re citing numbers from Blizzard Iā€™m not interested, and we know thatā€™s not the case. Second, weā€™ve had this discussion. I explain my speculation. You argue with me about it. No one can prove anything because we simply donā€™t have any real data on it. You get pissed when I wonā€™t accept your opinion as fact. And then a week later you end up asking the same stupid question.


Turn you have no proof, that those who have left were primarily due to the gearing systemā€¦ -.-


But what we canā€™t deny is that itā€™s not a controversial topic in modern wow. Thereā€™s clearly a crowd of people that like it and a crowd of people that donā€™t. Thereā€™s definitely a mixed reaction amongst players.

This whole forum post is pointless only thing it is doing is really proving my point with this community.

Well at least on the forums maybe, but then again it is mostly the same people posting over and over.

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Because Blizzard has never misled their audience beforeā€¦

Well I mean wtf do people expect?! It literally blows my mind that people will expect others to agree with them or have the same interests, some even are speaking for othersā€¦

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I mean while Iā€™m seeing the same people as well that doesnā€™t mean that there arenā€™t a diverse amount of people popping in here to give their opinion. No number to really say how many people but it is something that I also hear in a lot of feedback and review videos as well about how things donā€™t really feel rewarding in the game.

Iā€™ve had my fair share of conversations about how I feel with others.

Or play alts. I find gears from normal and heroic raids unrewarding too. Only Mythic raids is, if you find a good groupā€¦