Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Well, Mythic raiding still rewards the best gear base item level. So, I guess all is good.

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How can they remove it? its a 3rd party program

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Except for the majority of my gear is from M+, even with 50ish Mythic kills. So your statement isn’t entirely true.


Blizzard can remove them they have done it before.

Sure it is
 It is 100% true
 You can’t get 415 base item level gear in M+. You have to spam/farm it to get lucky upgrades and that takes effort and time.

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Restrict them how? They arent doing anything other than recording data. Its no different than a site like wowprogress

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I corrected myself above ,they can remove them from being used in game Just like any other addon from third party sites.

They can tell you not to, but they cant enforce it. I can just look people up and deny them without ever telling them why

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They can but they wouldn’t because they want to sllllooow people dooooown.

Besides even if they somehow magically stopped RIO, another system would pop up. Always does


You only care about the top end because your life is in shambles and you have to take it seriously or else you don’t have anything worth living for. See what happens when people speak for each other and make things up? Perhaps if you don’t try to put words in my mouth I won’t reciprocate.

WoW career? Lol. That itself speaks to how juvenile and seriously you take a video game which serves as a great example of the point I was about to make. Probably because like the bulk of the playerbase, I’ve aged 20 years while playing MMO’s and I no longer derive a sense of self worth or value from the content I do in a video game that I play for entertainment. As such, my opinion on rewards systems has grown and changed accordingly.


Base item level doesn’t really mean anything if you do the math. Titanforging has such a high chance of happening that it’s not “if” it’s “when.” That’s when it’s not rewarding, when you’re just at the mercy of the RNG slot machine gods.


No, his statement is entirely true because of words, that he said, when he said what he said, that you saw and ignored, because you’re dishonest. See bolded text.

Edit: And watch you shift the goalpost now. Dance, puppet dance! ‘What you said wasn’t true, but I mean, it was, but it doesn’t matter that it’s true because
but, I mean

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I guess I’m a casual I will go cry with my 15k achievement points. :’(

I don’t think that’s a fair argument. There are much harder bosses in that raid that require hundreds of wipes. Hell our guild wiped +500 times on M Argus before we finally got it down.

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Looks like I struck a nerve! So now you are all insults and no answers. Funny stuff!

Fun fact, I don’t say anything about the bottom end, because I don’t have enough experience in only doing world content or normal raids to have a valid opinion. Maybe you could learn something from that.


The first boss or two is usually doable by my casual guild so it is valid.

What class did you use to do the 1 orb on Grong?

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we still waiting on logs?

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Never getting them!