Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

There was a big market for Classic and Blizzard finally gave in. There’s also a big market for features like LFR and LFG. They’re not going to take it away.

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I know you aren’t aware but it is completely puggable now. Even some pugs aren’t wiping…

They might find out there is a big market for returning players when they change up a few things.

They’re not going to destroy what a large portion of the current playerbase enjoys just because it might bring back a few who left.

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I highly doubt welfare gear keeps a large portion of the playerbase subbed.

It’s not about the gear, it’s about the content accessibility.

And back up some claims? Never! Is this the new “yeah im 2200, just on my other account”


Wrong thread? This thread isn’t about removing LFR, it’s about the gearing issues in BfA.

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It’s awesome how the same poster who will throw around the “you got proof of that” line but won’t practice what he preaches. I am a firm believer in the belief that people should lead by example, Orctang isn’t doing a good job at that.


There’s a big big difference between introducing a new product and changing an existing one. We have an established loot paradigm in retail that’s slowly changed over time. Even if they remove forging (which I highly doubt, it serves a purpose and according to Blizzard it’s fulfilling that purpose) they aren’t going to roll back the game to what it was 6+ years ago when they have an existing product (Classic) that caters to people who want that and alienate the people who enjoy retail as it is. But you feel free to believe whatever delusions make you happy.

So everyone who’s watched professional football isn’t allowed to have an opinion on it? Or are you going to somehow equivocate yourself as a medical professional with 10+ years of educational experience and I’m some guy who read web MD again? LOL Silly ad hominems. No matter how you rationalize it, it’s still fallacious garbage. Which is why you try to use it because you don’t have anything else. It’s really sad. You spend all this time on the forums salty about the way loot works, constantly spewing vitriol and toxicity, and people like me are happy with it. And all the insults and fallacies you throw out won’t change the fact that loot isn’t going to change. It’s not in 8.2, so we win, and it’s not going to after 8.2, so we still win. But we can keep going and going and going as long as you want. I need something to do while autoattacking mobs in Classic.

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I would love to see the percentage of players who do ONLY LFR. Last data we had was in SOO. When out of 7.2 million characters, 70% had done LFR, 49% flex, 31% normal and 12% Heroic.

Now there are probably overlaps there but it was possible that the players who did only LFR as a raid difficulty were less than the players who killed a boss in Normal+.

I would love to see this data for BoD.


I do not know the numbers, but I bet the number of hardcore and elite raiders who care about this are significantly less than the casual raider and below. There are those who do not care about getting the latest and greatest gear. But instead seek to experience the story. There are these things called stocks, investors, and profits. And if the Casual raider and below are the larger market than the elite raider, it is smarter to appeal to them than the elites. Plus, I bet of all the elite and hardcore raiders, only a small fraction are the ones who openly rant about it.

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Why do you care how loot works for difficulties you don’t participate in? It doesn’t concern you in the slightest, just like people doing world quests and getting purples doesn’t concern me.

Oh! I get it now. You kept trying to say it was me who cared what everyone else had, but it was actually you that care. You don’t want people who are better than you at the game to have better gear. It’s all making sense now, there can’t be any other reason for you to fight this hard over something that doesn’t affect your gameplay.


Because the top to bottom spread matters because it impacts every other aspect of the game, from solo play through queueable content through puggable content. Unless, of course, you’re advocating that raid gear doesn’t increase performance outside of raids. At that point then the gear you get in Mythic raiding doesn’t matter at all. They can give you gear that’s 100 ilvl higher if it scales down outside of a raid environment. But you aren’t going to advocate for that are you? Heh.

Hey look at your salty fan club. All the same names I’m used to seeing. Loot still forges though right? Maybe more salt is required. Perhaps you guys can do a chorus of salt in unison, maybe that will sway Blizzard! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the crux of the matter. The vocal minority are really pissed they aren’t being catered to anymore and there’s a handful of them who spend all day crying about it on the forums to no avail.


You do care… You keep stating that Mythic is not rewarding enough… This is because you are comparing the rewards.


Comparing rewards from activities I have done does not mean I care what gear other people are wearing.

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But you only care about the top end because it’s the difficulty you can’t do. You don’t care about the bottom end, which gives free heroic raid loot for no effort. I’m interested in what happened in your WoW career that made you so salty towards the high end raiders.

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Comparing and not being satisfied means you care.

Yeah I care about my gear progression. I’m a fan of difficult activities that are rewarding and fulfilling. I guess you got me there??


Then with that remove raiderio and any blocks for raids,restrict selling raids,etc.