Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

If you’re going to say that spamming mythic+10’s is comparable to mythic progression then I don’t know what to say to that other than “no it’s not”

Mythic+10 is puggable, spammable, and once you understand the dungeon runs it’s borderline robotic. The only comparison it has with mythic raiding is that it’s time consuming.

Mythic raiding involves hours of watching guides or videos, then additional hours of attempts, to hopefully down 1-2 new bosses every couple of weeks, while also having to farm any previously cleared bosses. Not to mention getting 22-25 players organized (as raiding in mythic requires 20 but call-outs happen), recruiting as people quit or leave, while also making sure to run weekly mythic+ for titan residuum and chances for upgrades.


We killed the first 2 bosses in Mythic with less then 10 pulls and I have 4 pieces of gear from them. So, everything you’re are saying is not quite right.

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Because I want to make WoW great again

Apply for a position at Blizzard if you really mean what you say.

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So a 2 boss sample size is your whole basis for your argument?

First off, you can ask anyone, champions of the light might be the laziest mythic boss ever designed, two new mechanics that do literally nothing except dodge hammers and interrupt casters.

Second, of course you’re going to roll over mythic bosses at this point when you’re already basically overgearing the raids with mythic+ spammed gear along with titanforges.

Basing your entire hypothesis on 2 bosses is intellectually childlike.

I can conquer THE ENTIRETY of mythic+10 in a weekend and have close to 100% success rate, you cannot get anywhere close to that in mythic raiding.

Try apples to apples next time.

Or just don’t sub and complain on the forums


Grats on that. Got a link to your logs? Would love to see your set up.


Well we are talking about ease of getting loot here and I got four 415 items gear simply in Mythic raiding.

Why so you can get to know me better? You want to know what is even funnier? Half of my raid team parses in the grey and we still killed 2 bosses in Mythic…

This should be an easy solution. TF/WF Removed. There is no reason someone should be able to do 4 simple/braindead quest and be rewarded heroic level gear or mythic level gear just because they get lucky. You are where you belong.

Mythic = 415 ilvl, Epic Quality
Heroic / M10 = 400 ilvl, Epic Quality
Normal = 385 ilvl, Epic Quality
LFR = 360 ilvl, Blue Quality
WQ / Outdoor / Quest = 340, Green Quality


Nice, so basically the old school method of gearing where harder content rewards better gear. This idea sounds amazing.

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How would I know which toon was you out of 20 people? Just would love to see the guild who strolled into mythic for the first time ever and easily killed 2 bosses with less than 10 wipes.


lol when all else fails default to ad hominem, eh? If you have to resort to attacking me over addressing my position you’ve already lost. But it’s even worse for you because the developers of the game said so. You know, when they told us it was intended to be an alternative progression path to raiding and explicitly told us that the reason the rewards didn’t scale to 415 was because it was something people could repeat run. Need a tissue?

If you’re trying to fish for forges to be comparably geared to Mythic raiders you’re not just doing your one weekly 10 and calling it quits. That won’t get you anywhere close to Mythic raiders without some extreme luck on your chest and not doubling up. The people comparably geared are spamming 18’s where they’re getting a ton of loot upon completion and hoping that the right pieces forge.

Again, if you’re pretending that someone who spam runs M10’s is equivalently geared to people who raid mythic and were, on average, 418 ilvl the week Crucible opened, you’re not being honest. You can just stop, no one is buying it.


It’s a simple formula where the time you invest equals the reward you get. Only if Blizzard used to do this somewhere in their previous expansion, thinking

And this should not even bother anyone because you would be appropiartly geared for the content you are currently working on. What is happening right now is that Blizzard is artificially moving the masses by overgearing people for the content they would otherwise progress through.

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I’m anxiously awaiting these logs, I’ll stay up late for these. Please don’t disappoint the thread, Orctang.

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How many expansions of forging have to go by before you guys come to terms with the fact that it’s not going away? I mean, if that’s what you want enjoy Classic when it goes live in August. Retail isn’t a game that panders to raiders, it hasn’t been that for many years, and it’s not going back to that.

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remember the big wall of no, that wall crumbled.

Stay up all night long!

It’s funny that you feel attacked when I just state a fact that you haven’t done the content you’ve commented on 50+ times in this thread. Why don’t you do it so you can formulate your own opinion instead of taking the opinions of others?


Well you get achivements for beating mythic bosses that should be enough reward.