Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Sweet jesus get a grip i can post whatever i feel like go away from replying to me then if you got a problem with it so simple just ignore me then.

I do


No point in anything really even your post right? Don’t play if you don’t enjoy it.

What they are meaning is, its easier and much more reasonable to just simply do mythic + rather then try and push mythic raid.

Which is true. It is far easier to do mythic + dungeons then it is raids.

M+ is more fun than raiding is as well.

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Again, i agree, and personally i dont have a problem with mythic + for gear

Where everyone stepped into bg’s to gear up instead?


It’s another thread of: “I no longer feel special because someone somewhere got a nice piece of gear.”


Pretty much.

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So? It’s the last of 9 bosses in the raid. This is called shifting the goalpost. Your claim is that people get equivalently geared doing less content. Except they don’t because M+ weekly chest is 410 not 415 and now instead of acknowledging that your point was entirely fabricated you’re now arguing over the “effort” to do M Jaina, all the while ignoring the “effort” you also say it takes to do the rest of the bosses in the raid. This is what happens when you backpedal on a point you make so much that you’re now debating nothing substantive. But the reality is people doing M+/Mythic raiding have been ahead of people doing heroic/M+ and so on down the line. We knew your claim was bunk because Blizzard has already told us that’s what they see internally.

They tried to spice up the loot by adding interesting effects. They failed because the drawbacks are often not worth the increase combined with how annoying the raid is to do anyways. If the gear had standard itemization it would have been perfectly fine and a blatant upgrade over BoD loot. That’s what it should have had imo. Though I’m wondering if that was kinda the point. Loot that wasn’t actually an upgrade in a lot of cases because they were trying to minimize power creep from Crucible. Speculation, but meh. I wouldn’t be surprised if it played out exactly as they expected.


more of, why are people who put in minimal effort getting the same rewards as people who are putting in far more effort.


So I can login and collect a full set of 415 gear + random forges on top? Oh, wait, I can’t. Your claim doesn’t match reality.


Can you get that instantly? No you can’t.

Can you get that from constant mythic+10 runs? Yes you can.

I think that’s what OP is getting at. Mythic+ is spammable, requires less people, and significantly less communication and effort, and rewards gear at the same ilvl.

Mythic raiding at this point is pretty much for the achieves alone.

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This is acceptable!

Maybe to you, to a lot of people would argue the rewards shouldn’t be equal for people who put in 20% of the effort of raiders.

Not to mention with how easy it is now to get high ilvls it’s become a useless metric to check people, hence more reliance on raiderIO and achieve linking.

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You have to spam M+ to get 415’s in every slot. So, that is a lot of work and luck of course since it is not the base item level.

Sure you can. Except M10 completion doesn’t reward 415. It rewards 400 ilvl gear. If you’re farming forges at high keys for the bonus loot you’re doing comparably difficult content. And that’s entirely by design because M+ is intended to be alternative progression to raiding. But that’s not 

That’s people putting in comparable effort in an alternative system. The people who put in minimal effort aren’t ending up ~420 ilvl. They’re not doing organized group content and they’re capping out around 405. If 15 ilvl difference isn’t enough for your fragile ego, boo hoo.


I don’t play retail.

Why post here then?

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How can you say that when you haven’t done either? Let me guess “your friend told you.” Why don’t you give the content that you bash constantly a try, then come back here and let us know what you think?