Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

It does. Mythic gives 415. M+ cache gives 410. Heroic gives 400. Pvp has its own comparable loot system. M+ end dungeon scales up to 400. And everything has a chance to forge. Are you confused? Do you not realize that 410 is less than 415? Or that 400 is less than 415?


Feels awesome man!

I said proportionate. If something takes 100 hours and is 1% better than something that takes 20 min itā€™s not really proportionate.

Anybody addicted to trolling ā€¦ please visit this following thread for help. We know in these tough times of such a hot topic we can get carried awayā€¦ We understand and are here to help.

Thankyou for your time.

We know you are here, come get it off your chest and make the world a better place. Donā€™t be shy.

Nice try dude, thatā€™s not even anonymous! Ha!

Almost got me to, but Iā€™m to smart to. Simpleten.

Hell yeah! I canā€™t wait to take your gold!

People keep saying time does not equate to difficulty. I mean we canā€™t give them good gear because they put a lot of time into normal content.

Either time means something or it doesnā€™t!

I think 5 ilvl difference is proportionate. You donā€™t. The developers agree with me. Sucks for you I guess.

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Yeah pulling M Jaina 400 times for a 20% chance at 415 loot or doing a 20 min M+ for 100% chance at a 410. Definitely proportionate. You are such a troll lolā€¦

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Iā€™m sorry, do you skip all the bosses on the way to M Jaina? Because Iā€™m pretty sure you told us that M Champ is easier than H Jaina and thatā€™s 415 too and takes less than 20 mins to do. And you can bonus roll. And you can trade gear to the other 19 people in the raid. And you can do another 7 bosses before you get to M Jaina. Or do you only cherry pick when you argue? Wait, donā€™t answer, we know the answer to that.

Oh, and thatā€™s not even counting that Crucible drops 420/425. Lul.

Yes, yes you are lol.


This problem is entirely the fault of the people demanding gear in the LFG tool thats 10 ilvls above the gear dropped by the raid being formed. Look I agree that raiding should reward much higher gear than world quests but until people are allowed to actually raid with normal ilvl gear than blizzards hand is being forced here.

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Does anyone get excited when they get new pieces of gear anymore?

It doesnā€™t matter what the other bosses drop, thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to say. M Jaina takes most guilds 3-400 wipes and drops gear that is a 5 ilvl increase over a 20 min weekly keystone, that is a fact.

Yeah M Champs shouldnā€™t drop the same loot as M Jaina. If anything in BoD bosses 1-3 should drop 415, 4-6 drop 420 and 7-9 drop 425. Also the gear from M crucible is trash for the most part and not at all worth the effort. Lots of guilds are just ignoring it on Mythic as itā€™s not worth the hassle for subpar rewards. Mythic Crucible is going to have the lowest participation of any raid ever, all because you donā€™t get anything out of it.


Thereā€™s no point doing Mythic raids if you only want gear these days, Itā€™s just so much easier being a Heroic/Mythic+ casual.

I tried that in Legion in Nighthold. I cleared Heroic on week 2 then quit for 8 months because there was nothing else to do if I wasnā€™t raiding mythic.

Look at this character all i did was a 7/8 heroic bosses, the 2 easy mythic Uldir bosses and my weekly 10 and i had 380+ ilvl.

Really cool indeed.

Do you ever contribute anything to a thread or do you just mindlessly and mind-numbingly try to troll?


What about donā€™t worry about me worry about yourself your not my boss.

Youā€™re the last person Iā€™d worry about, I donā€™t even know what youā€™re talking about half the time. Iā€™m just curious if you ever actually contribute anything to a thread instead of spam.