Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

You claim to know what I want and keep saying stuff like this, even when I’ve repeatedly said I don’t care what other people have. I don’t care if I am more powerful than anyone else, I don’t even PvP so it wouldn’t matter anyway.

I just want difficult content to be more rewarding. It doesn’t even have to be gear. Challenge Modes were the most fun I’ve ever had in the game and they didn’t drop gear, but they dropped something you could only get for getting Gold in all dungeons.

If people who play 1 hour a week get purples, great, cool, I don’t care. I just want to be rewarded for tackling the game’s most difficult content, instead of feel like I’m wasting my time because you can get the same stuff for 10% of the effort with a little luck.


Sure it is.

You say this yet in 8.2 we can grind to ilvl 430 loot soon me thinks you are very wrong on this one sir.

So you ignored all the warning signs and then were blindsided. Shocking. I totally would have never guessed it when every other person who talked about ws here said exactly what I said. And now that it’s been demonstrated that you have no clue what you’re talking about…again…time to gloss that all over and pretend it didn’t happen right?

Except I offered you a scenario where deterministic systems were used to emulate the exact ilvl progression we have now and you weren’t happy with that. Well, you said you were at first, and then came back and said, “but no, M10 chest doesn’t deserve 410 gear” and then it snowballed from there.

why do you feel this way?

But you can’t. It’s been shown over and over and over again. Show me a single person who doesn’t do organized group content that’s sitting at the same ilvl as mythic raiders/M+ farmers. Go ahead. Where’s this magical example of people who kill turtles and end up at 420 ilvl? I’ll wait…

There’s no need to raid or do mythic + in BFA, you can just do world quests and warfront a and get the same ilvl.

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As I said above…

You miss the point as always. Sure, nobody is skipping 4 difficulties worth of content. But a ton of people are skipping one. My DH alt who I play 20 min a week to do a +10 is 414 ilvl, while my main who I have hundreds of hours played in BFA is 4 ilvls higher?

It’s not rewarding because Heroic raids are very easy and can be full cleared in 90 min. I know if I farmed heroic every week and did my weekly M+ I would be the same ilvl as my Pally here who does Mythic BoD every week.

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If you’re sitting around Dazar’alor on Mythic Jaina’s mount I’m sure you’d be turning some heads.

But yeah I wouldn’t be against more flashy rewards for doing stuff like very high level M+ dungeons and mythic raiding.

I just don’t want to go back to the days where non-raiders were at the complete mercy of raiders in WPvP because there wasn’t much a non-raider could do to get decent gear.

Nope it’s not at all.

Whatever you say mr lightning god with no argument.

Yeah but wpvp has not, and even dispite blizzards best efforts, mattered in wow for years. Warmode has been their attempt to fix that but its been floundering.

And personally i think they mythic raiders should be able to dump on lower geared players, that was the whole point of getting geared in the first place, to get bigger numbers to kill harder stuff. In fact there was a guy at blizzcon that asked them that, years ago mind you, that is there ever going to be a point to raiding anymore if the gear does not translate into pvp? or is it just going to be for epeen stroking? Because back when this game had clear lines between casual, invested player and the super hard core, there was a clear distinction between everyone and that was the motivation to raid and get the better gear.

But again, in terms of world pvp thats literally a who the hell cares.

Here is some logic for you sir how can retail die if your paying BFA sub to use the classic servers logic FTW!

Anyone who plays on a PvP server/warmode cares, I’m sure.

Look at OSRS compared to Runescape 3 then come back and let us know what you found.

pvp servers have not existed in wow since BFA, and warmode has been a total unbalanced crap show since day one whos main problem has and always will be balanced even fights, which is proven by the fact they had to even introduce a buff for alliance that lets them get a 400+ ilvl item for killing 25 horde if the warmode horde out number them, a quest taht alliance has only not gotten for 2 weeks since its introduction and a quest the horde have never gotten.

I was an alliance warlock in Vanilla without a guild/many friends and wore mostly green/blue gear. I was at the total mercy of just about everyone in the open world, especially those undead rogues wearing red hoods.

All I’m saying is that I don’t want to return to those days. They were a nightmare.

While i understand that, you did sign up for a pvp server, thats part of pvp, the only person to blame is yourself for signing up to a pvp server.

You just turn Warmode off? World PvP has never been balanced and has never been a fair fight.


No, I didn’t miss your point. You were being hyperbolic. I pointed that out.

Who cares? People have skipped tiers of content all the way back to vanilla. It’s not new.

First, I don’t believe you. You’ve demonstrated that you’re willing to exaggerate to unrealistic extremes to make points so no reason to believe that’s any different here. Second, so what? 414 isn’t mythic raider level. The average mythic raider logging on warcraftlogs was 418 the week crucible opened. If a 5 ilvl overall difference isn’t good enough for you between tiers too bad.

And? M+ is supposed to be an alternative to raiding. If you want to you could farm high keys, do no raiding at all, and be as geared as Mythic raiders. That’s how the system is supposed to work.

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One last question because it’s like talking to a wall with you…

Why are you so against the most difficult content in the game giving proportionate rewards?