Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Wildstar was, oh wait, that shut down because it catered to a fraction of its player base, all the casuals left, and the game wasn’t profitable so they literally shut down the servers. However in August, if that’s what you want, Classic will have that loot paradigm.

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How did I never hear about wildstar until it died?

Well said!

Wildstar was very poorly marketed. It was a more serious MMO but not marketed as such, but it was so cartoony it drew a lot of younger and casual players towards it. Also, gameplay wise it wasn’t the best, lots of bugs went unfixed, updates were few and far between, it just wasn’t a good MMO overall.

It’s funny when you guys try to use it as an example though lol. Star Wars Galaxies was a great MMO, then it died when J Allan Brack turned it into a casual loot vomit simulator. Sound familiar?

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Game is old people left your reaching here.

Could you be more specific?

So you’re saying the bulk of players didn’t quit because attunements were ludicrous? That they didn’t drop the requirements massively, after most players left when it was too late? Please. Sure, there were lots of issues, but that was the issue that killed the player base.

Funny because everyone I know, casual and hardcore alike, all hated the Galaxies change. And it had nothing to do with “casual loot” and everything to do with massive changes to the game that were disruptive to their playstyles across the board, everything from class/skill changes to gearing changes to farming to literally everything. But sure, somehow everything is proof that your opinion is “right” lol. You’re like a walking list of confirmation bias in action.

Literally everything in that change to SWG made it more casual. Nothing made the game more difficult. 40 specs turned into 9, everyone could be a Jedi, no more permanent death, more time gating, more loot from easy activities, etc.

They tried to go super casual and it didn’t work.

They took an existing game and remade it from the ground up. That killed it for everyone. Even casual players hated the changes, and it was entirely because the game that they liked and played one day was a vastly different experience the next. But sure you believe whatever you need to believe to bag on casual players.

But therein lies the difference. It wasn’t a game that was marketed and catered to a specific crowd that tanked because it stayed the course, like Wildstar did, until it was too late anyways. I notice you glossed over answering the questions I posed to you above.

But we know why you didn’t answer because you can’t without your argument tanking.

I agree no thanks indeed!

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Yeah the attunements in Wildstar were awful. But that also brings me back to my point that the game was never marketed towards that audience. The story, the characters, the combat, nothing while leveling said there were going to be these crazy attunements and hardcore mechanics. They marketed a hardcore game to a young, casual audience.

There is nothing wrong with making a hardcore game if it’s marketed as such. Dark Souls and Eve have done pretty well over the years. Do you think every game has to vomit loot at players as rewards for no effort activities to be successful?

Well said again man!

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I mean you are not wrong. Personally i believe that the titan and war forge system have been a major problem.

IMO, for what that is worth, i think that only items that come from dungeons and heroic dungeons can titan and warforge, with warforge only taking it up to lfr ilvl and titang forge bring it up to normal raid, while raid, heroic raid, and mythic raid all drop a fixed i lvl and dont titan forge.

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Yes they were. Everyone told them that on the forums. They didn’t care. The response was effective “git gud” so people unsubbed. Sucks for them.

So apparently you and I saw vastly different things on the forums from the developers of the game about who they were catering end game content to. I’m talking about how they responded to people. You’re talking about game art, lol.

Why do you make such ridiculous statements? Where have I said that a game has to vomit loot at players for no effort activities to be successful? That’s just you throwing out a hyperbolous strawman and pretending it’s a legitimate position. It’s not, it’s just you being salty and demonstrating how moronic you are to everyone. Come back with an intellectually honest argument wherein you don’t lie about my position and we can continue the conversation.


The majority of a game’s players never go on the forums. I was never on the Wildstar forums, I just leveled with a friend then got blindsided by the endgame.

You have 50+ posts in this thread saying that gearing is fine and that the majority of players are happy with it. The current loot system is purple gear gets thrown at you for every activity you do whether you’re afk or not. So I feel like my question is relevant.

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Actually it was very difficult, and that was the case from the beginning of the leveling experience when it initially launched. One of the first dungeons had bosses with such tight interrupt periods that if you didn’t perform perfectly your group wiped. It was heavily marketed as a tough game, and it let you know from the start. I know, because I played it.


The entire game feels unrewarding and terrible. Luckily classic is coming out soon.

<----i am.

You’re absolutely right, they don’t. Except that has no bearing on what we’re talking about. The endgame, per the developers, was designed for hardcore players.

That’s not an accurate characterization of the current loot system. That’s your salty description of how loot functions because you’re someone who wants gear you get to be massively overpowered in comparison to everyone else and that’s no longer the design philosophy they use. So whether you feel the question is relevant means less than a pile of horse manure. When you want to talk about my opinion and you can accurately describe it, you know, seeing as how I’ve explained it to you personally dozens of times now, I’ll be happy to continue the discussion on it. Otherwise sod off.

Look at that, lul.

So here was the thing about wild star, and im going to bet dollars to doughnuts is going to happen to classic. Wild star was marketed at a tough game, in fact it was directly marketed at people who played and idolized vanilla wow and BC. And wild star was just that, and all the people who thought vanilla was this great experience found them selves truly reliving it, and it sucks. Because here is the thing, vanilla and wild star both, were not really difficult games, if you had the time to invest into them. But thats where the problem is, if you had the time. All the people that think classic and wild star were/are going to be everthing they wanted are going to realize that oh…im an adult now, i dont have 8 extra hours a day to invest into a video game to grind out what i need.

Which is what happened to wow. Back when the main audience of wow was high school and college kids, yeah, the game could be more difficult and take forever to get gear and items because everyone had the time to do it. Now that most of those saame people are adults that have other things to do, they dont have the time to invest in trying to progression raid.

That said, i think blizzard in the current state have gone over board with handing out gear. Its to the point where you can get item level 400 by just hardly logging on anymore, and the line between casual and, im not going to saay hard core, but an invested player are now so blurd you cant tell them apart.

personally i think there needs to be that separation between casual, invested, and hardcore raider, with people who are invested into the game clearly out gear those who are just casual. I think LFR did that quite well, but with the horrible forging system, that work.

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