Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

I can tell that you are frustrated because you are making wild off the cuff remarks to avoid addressing the fact that you were wrong.


I can tell you are avoiding the current conversation because you cling to the past like a scared child.

That doesn’t really make any sense since I haven’t brought up the past? Take a minute to use good bait.

As it stands, you have nothing to support your view.


The straw was from yesterday, is your iq 70? Nobody’s talked about straws for 400 posts until you brought it up after I crapped on your point.

How are Heroic and Mythic raiding just wastes of time if they’re things which you enjoy doing for their challenging content, practice of skills, or anything else of the sort?

If they’re just means of obtaining better loot for you (and nothing else), then the obvious choice is to do things which are relatively less challenging in order to obtain the same quality of loot.


now you are devolving to insults because you have no points to provide. You’re just vomiting of the fingers now. You should really quit while you’re behind.


Behind what? You mention 1 state is not insane because it institutes a pointless law that china doesn’t follow. Straw-mans and scapegoats won’t keep people from seeing you as a dumb literate that can’t address anyone’s argument.

I explained it to you, you chose to remain in disbelief to cling to your ideals and inaccurate comparisons.I must question if you are capable of handling disagreement.


No i retorted your explanation of the environment and you never responded. I question whether you can handle yourself in a debate outside internet forums.

This thread is unrewarding.


I have no desire to prevent others from getting things I can’t have.

What I do have a desire for is a reasonable gearing system that I, as a casual, can put time and effort into in my own way over long periods of time. I want to be able to gear up (without relying on TF RNG) over a period of months doing content that I want to do.

If that means I cap out at 380, that’s fine (so long as I feel powerful in world content, of course). If that means I cap out at 400, that’s also fine but not really relevant to my desire itself.

So… are casuals awful people? Maybe some are. Maybe some do want to be able to hit the ilvl ceiling without ever doing hard content. Most of us just want gearing to feel rewarding, like our effort means something and like there are meaningful paths of progression.

It’s why, personally, I’ve always thought that world content should not serve as a catch-up mechanic.

Casuals are most likely to do things like world quests and overworld content as their sole focus (with islands and warfronts as a secondary mechanic). They want that system to provide meaningful (to them) progression paths. This doesn’t mean “ilvl ceiling”, but rather "I can plug away at it for months without “completing” it.

The moment that you make world content a catch-up mechanic for raiders, PvPers, and M+ players, you undermine the entire structures longevity. You anger high end players because now casuals have access to high level gear. You anger casuals because in a few short weeks their entire progression path is over, because it’s meant to quickly funnel players into end game content.

So… I don’t think casuals and the game are at odds, I think the way they’ve chosen to approach both teams is what’s truly to blame.


Did you offer a retort about the environment that was worth reading? Or did you incoherently spew words as you’ve done recently?
You may question me, I shall answer.

I’ve won actual debate competitions. It doesn’t involve making inaccurate comparisons btw.

How many times did you scapegoat the word incoherent into your debates? Because if debating is deflecting and running to different rooms like an adhd child in a mansion, you’re really good at doing that when someone destroys your point.

That is actually a reasonable approach. All I’ve ever asked for is to be able to have a meaningful path of gear progression as a non-raider, because I remember getting stomped on left and right by raiders who had gear in Vanilla, with no real way of getting my own.

Does it have to be equal to or better than what a raider gets? Of course not. Raiders can have a small advantage over me in PvP. I just want to be able to put up a fight.

I know you’re attempting to hurt my feelings and make me angry, but I want you to know it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that you have nothing else to debate but attack me repeatedly.


You debate like there is a moderator present, you’re not even flexible enough to understand the context of your audience. Get better at hiding your tactics. They are too easy to weed out. You think I would hound you like this at a moderated debate? Go back under your bridge padawan.

This is a thing of beauty.


I like how it’s the casual players that have adopted a bs attitude of “us versus them”, have you somehow magically missed threads like “gearing is terrible and unrewarding due to casuals” or the many posts in this thread where people blame casuals or try to crap on them or the posts going back forever where elitist db’s go on about casuals wanting welfare gear. But suuuuuuure, casuals are the one’s that started it all :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course they can. The reality is the bulk of the playerbase doesn’t want to and they don’t want to be 60+ ilvl behind people who do because of that choice. And that’s totally understandable not wanting to be 1/3 the strength of a raider in content outside of raids. So now raiders still have a leg up, it’s just not an overwhelmingly stupid level of power in comparison.

Good riddance. If you need to be massively powerful in comparison to people that do solo content, if that’s the level of gear you need then you might want to look at Classic because Retail isn’t about putting raiders fragile egos on a pedestal anymore.


Most of what you said is on the money… but I just want to argue this point.

I think for most of the high end crowd… this really isn’t the complaint.

It’s more that there is the, very valid, point that the rewards should be commensurate to the difficulty of the content. And that with the current “rewards” system… it is unrewarding and unfufilling…and that is a mix of raiding…etc feeling completely devalued, the RNG slot machine just sucks, the grind is miserable, and with stuff like WF/TF there is absolutely no end to the treadmill.

And that leads to another thing… back with previous systems it felt good to hit the end of the raid tier and to have that BiS set for a bit before the next raid tier dropped.
Not out of any desire to lord it over anyone, but because -I- could look at -my- character and say " Woo, I did it!"
And it felt good.

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You say good riddance, but what mmo is out there for hardcore raiders to venture in that is very rewarding of effort?