Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals


I actually never read ops post. I find that any good thread that makes perfect points gets ignored because people don’t attack it then it disappears into forum oblivion.

That’s true :slight_smile:

Casuals players love to tell players that complain over the gear " why do you look on other players gear lol " .
Well, its easy to say that every time hardcore players complain about the fact end game content is not rewarding when Blizzard always got your back as casuals: giving casuals the ability to get all the mounts, mogs and ilvl gear quite easily with mind numbing, mobile like, activities.
Making hardcore pvp or pve content only for the enjoyment as opposed to earlier expansions .

I can easily turn over that silly answer casuals give back at them: why do casuals care if more hardcore players will get higher ilvl gear, mounts and mogs that will not be available at all later on when the content is soloable few expansions later?, to reward hardcore players for their effort?

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It’s really hard to take you seriously after this paragraph. Go outside and get some fresh air, it will be ok.


I can only speak for myself, but I don’t care. I don’t care if you have a billion ilevels/mounts/mogs/pets over me. Doesn’t matter to me at all. It also didn’t matter to me when I was a raider either. YOU(general you) don’t matter to me and my play time whatsoever.


Well, it’s true. If everyone in society is chilling on welfare and refuses to do any real work then that society would surely fall apart quickly. Sometimes the truth hurts feelings and enrages emotions but that doesn’t make it not true.

The fact you are comparing a program that has been proven to assist others in becoming independent, to a system which provides gear for sconducting some form of work, suggests that you are emotionally connected to this discussion.
Perhaps you should consider your words to yourself.


Wow you literally don’t care. They aren’t independent, they just changed dependency, instead of being dependent on other players they are just dependent on blizzard now. It’s exactly like welfare except the fact blizzard isn’t providing actual free currency. Independent my cheeks.

Why on earth would being dependant on flaky, egotistical players ever be a good thing? I just want to log on and do stuff, not wade through a hundred douchebags every day.


It’s way better because they aren’t a collective group that functions as a dictator.

Each player you ask can tell you yes or no, where as blizzard you can ask and they tell you yes or no and there is nobody else to go to. Multiple choices are always the better option.

Do you even speak what you write out loud?
Are you implying there is a form of independence when you are still relying on Blizzard to give you gear for something you do?
I guess, people who work for money are not independent to those who work for good feelings?


Did you even read my post? Im saying players who complain about players gatekeeping other players are admitting they depend on those players.

And by advocating for blizzard to change reward systems so they have things, they are still dependent on blizzard. In no way shape or form do these players become independent from anything. They just switched sources for who they depend on. Same goes for welfare. Its helps a small minority and traps many in dependency on the government. Do you need me to spell it out for you any clearer?

I hate mythic key dungeons. There should be normal dungeons, heroic dungeons, normal raids and then heroic raids. I do not care about mythics. Of course I do not have to play them, so to each his/her own.

I did, it was incoherent babbling comparing things to welfare.
Again, studies have been done on this matter. You are wrong just as you were wrong about the straw law. Just stop.


I know you’re not here to discuss things. There are also studies that show jiragha shouldn’t be taken seriously. Real talk, go back to the bridge you live under, I’m done dealing with your troll literacy unless you are actually going to engage my point instead of slipping and sliding.

I’m not emotionally connected to anything regarding video games. I have a nice life that doesn’t require me to become emotionally invested in a video game. 10 years ago I wouldn’t have the same opinion but I am now mature enough to know that video games shouldn’t be such a huge part of my life since they are, you know, a video game. When it comes down to it I don’t care what happens to anything regarding WoW, or any other game.

I’ve had many fun times in WoW but I couldn’t care less if it were to shut down tomorrow. If it were to close shop tomorrow, cool, I’d find another game to play. It’s no big deal to me.

Would I prefer to see changes made that might draw me back in like it did years ago? Of course I would like that. But if it doesn’t happen, no biggie, I have a real life and don’t depend on a video game to fill some void with artificial and temporary happiness.


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people only make inaccurate comparisons when they aree so annoyed, upset, angry, sad. you made this inaccurate comparison that was very poor, and now you’re trying to brush it off with a devil may care attitude to disguise your involvement.

Quit doing improper comparisons.


lol alright.

This dude will try to convince you that bleach is a great soft drink. Just don’t respond to him.