Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

No it doesn’t. It retreats it to a few days.

Before one may: Hit level cap and do normal dungeons to get basic max-level gear. After normal dungeons came heroic dungeons. After gearing up in heroic dungeons you also had some currency (valor) and could eventually buy a piece or two. There were also rep vendors which had decent gear for a new leveled character. Then eventually you would hit up LFR. This would take place over the course of a few weeks.

Now it’s get to level cap, do a few emissaries, hit up a world boss in a warfront, do a warfront, do an invasion or two and then you are largely overgeared for everything casual related. This happens in a couple of days.


its risk vs reward. high end raid gear just does not feel rewarding anymore when you can get gear that is just about as good for a lot less effort. now the reality may be that bis mythic raid gear is a lot better, but the difference between doing very little and being 405 and investing 100s or 1000s of hours into killing mythic raid bosses and just being 10 ilvls higher just doesn’t feel right. Up until now it has felt right. It felt worth it to wipe 500 times on Gorefiend. It doesn’t feel right to wipe 200 times on Jaina. It doesn’t feel worth it. I still do it because I enjoy the team aspect of the game, but I enjoy it quite a bit less than I used to.


Facepalm* >.<


I decided to finally join a raid for Dazaralor last month.
I noticed all my gear from weekly quests from Warfronts was almost the same quality as the raid.

I had not raided since Wotlk and I got to say the rewards became extremely uninteresting to me then.

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Absolutely not. The “end of upgrades” wall comes faster than ever. Like, maybe a week.

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The difference is people who try and better themselves are actually better players. But “average players” somehow can’t tell the difference between someone who has more skill and someone who thinks “they are better than you” whatever that wide subjective term means.

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I do not think 15 to 20 item levels is unreasonable between a casual and a person who has the time to sit in dungeons for mass hours, you do not need to be like a raid boss over the average player out in the world.

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I don’t understand threads like these. Wasn’t WoW made for casuals? That was its whole appeal.


Why do you care so much about the quality of gear people get? Raid boss is a bit of a stretch.

I don’t care, it is people like op that care.

People like op care because friends and guilds wouldn’t leave the game if blizzard didn’t change gearing and raiding systems like a schizophrenic patient does personalities.

Totally fair point. At the same time, I really hate continuing to do this, but it is still true… some raiders also can’t tell the difference between someone say… like me… and someone that wants loot in their mailbox when they log on.

That’s why I largely hate the categories of hardcore and casual.

I agree with you but that is also blizzards fault. When blizzard tightens the gap those players will lump moderately skilled players in with terrible players as the ceiling and floor closes.

I agree. That’s kinda why I hate that “we” fight between ourselves and I am like… uh… guys… Blizzard did this. Case in point ML removal. We had raiders blaming casuals for taking away their toy and casuals blaming raiders for being loot ninjas. All the while I am sitting here thinking, forced PL is likely going to bone ALL of us in the end.

I’ve already said my piece on this and how it affected my raid team. >.>

Sadly enough, all of this is waste of time and effort by both sides. In this day and age we hand out trophies to failures just for showing up. It’s instilled in most of these peoples minds that they deserve rewards just because they log in.

The problem is the other posters that were in here a while back act like they care but are just antagonists who slip and slide without addressing anyones point.

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Yep I know. I have as well, I ended up with 2 suspensions over the summer over the threads we were in. I should probably stop myself, lol.

I don’t think the OP has even been back, has he? We may have all been taken for a ride.

I can’t count the amount of suspensions I’ve had while on GD. It’s something that I don’t really like. You can’t really say much without getting nailed to the wall when there are 2 sides arguing from different PoVs.