Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

I have to be picky with who I raid with. They need to be a lot better geared, skilled, and knowledgeable than me! How else am I going to hide in the group and make sure that the stealth “carry” is successful?

This really isn’t that hard to understand!

Yea I remember I was playing Everquest at the time and when wow first came out it was considered a casual friendly MMO. Just being able to solo was a big step compared to games like Everquest. Shoot in EQ you rarely step foot into an area with enemies that give you XP unless your in a group.

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So that’s why your normal runs have AOTC required…

Absolutely!! I don’t know what AOTC is, but it is required… I will check your gear score otherwise!!

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Mythic+ players cried hard enough in Legion about being forced to raid for tier upgrades they listened.


This is a game , made for entertainment . Get a life .


Accumulating gear and it not being rewarding is one of my personal gripes with the game right now, its literally a /roll simulator in the gearing process. I would be alot happier with getting upgrades if accumulating them felt rewarding, right now its mindless.


I would think they’d be able to disable tier bonuses in a m+, although imo they should reward those who do more with more.

As someone that’s does M+ Only, you still need to raid for crafting materials for profession items and it is also the most efficient way to get Azerite gear compared to farming Titan residuum from M+ weekly chests & Scraping WQ Azerite gear.

It cant even be considered “catchup” gear anymore.

Its now “gear up to heroic raid gear while that raid is current” gear.


sadly, some players only feel better about themselves at the cost of others


That is a YOU problem. Gear changes so quickly these days I don’t even KNOW what the current gear sets look like, let alone care. You think I sit around Org. drooling over your “leet gearz”? Forget about it. I play for ME and my own fun and don’t give a flip about what anyone else is wearing. You should try it sometime, it’s quite liberating.
Me personally? I love WF/TF and catch up mechanics. I’m not the least bit ashamed of saying it. (That’s what this is really about right? Shaming “those horrible casuals” ruining all your fun?) I have a game I like to play with my characters. Doing WQ’s to see if I can get all my gear to WF/TF. If I didn’t have that to do each day, this filthy casual would do just what she did back in Cata, take 7 years off not coming back until almost the end of Warlords.
I don’t care what gear people have, how they got it or what they had to do to get it. Stop worrying about us oh so horrible casuals ruining your fun or maybe you’d be happier just joining us and get those easy “welfare epix” for yourself.
Every player wants to be able progress in some fashion. I’m in my 50’s, do you really want me in your guilds, your precious raids and mythics? I’ve lost my edge, my reflexes, my eyesight. I haven’t been a competitive player since Wrath. If there were no way for me to continue progressing after the initial release of an expansion, I’d be gone in a heartbeat. So would a lot of others. Be careful what you ask for.


Nothing is ever enough is it? Let’s just flip the argument around and why would it be enough for a “casual” to keep playing the game? As time goes on games change, people change. You can’t say that just because vanilla or TBC was great means that going back to EXACTLY that will make everything perfect again. That’s not how the real world works.

Vanilla and TBC both had quite a few issues. Most of which will hit majority of people in the face once they start playing vanilla - along with it being old content. If you ran it back at prime you’re just replaying it again. That tends to get quite old quickly.


yep a group of 5 people can run m+10 and get better gear then in raids.

you can blame esports for the gearing problem and it wont go away.

I propose a drinking game:

Every time Kelgar says e-sports, take a drink.


How is that an Esport problem? M+'s gearing system becomes obsolete once everyone is about 405, and you can’t even get azerite gear from it anymore. I would prefer seasonal based cosmetic rewards like Challenge mode had back in the day then grinding away at useless 400 gear that i just disenchant or give away.

Sadly, this is true… But its also an oversimplification of the issue.

I’m not saying non-raiders shouldn’t have great gear - I just want the gear drops in the raid I’m progressing in to be rewarding… even a slight, like 5%, upgrade from what I’m able to pull elsewhere.

I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

I’m saying this as someone who only just started raiding and only has maybe 2 10+s on time.

There has to be a way to give non-raiders a sense of progressing gear wise and gaining substantial power without taking away that away from heroic raiders - and I think that’s the problem.

I have no problem with other people progressing - I don’t like that I don’t feel like I am not progressing.


Then go play Classic?

Wouldn’t that be raids then? If casuals players want a higher gear progression system then it falls on them to seek it out, instead of demanding raid quality gear for little to no effort because they don’t got “time”. Every body has time, people just don’t want to put forth the effort for it.


100% accurate but never ever use AMR. use raidbots. AMR is unreliable at best