I’d say so. Since the player who is telling me not to concern themselves with others play styles is telling me to “take a break” because I don’t agree with their play style.
I don’t have to play your way and just because I voice my opinion on the matter doesn’t mean I should quit either. There are still things I enjoy, but my concerns are that a lot is being taken away from my enjoyment.
I have to think very hard about which flight point to take to go and collect my free loot! And don’t even get me started on Warfronts! Following all those players around and watching them kill things, is exhausting. Sometimes I am separated from the larger group and finding them again so I can watch them fight is taxing!
I kind of agree with OP (less vitriol, but still…)
I’m in a guild still clearing Heroic BoD (so casual/heroic raider) and I’d guess that for 3/4 of our team there are no upgrades from drops in the raid itself. M+ and Heroic quality gear from Weeklies, etc… replaced the need of really pushing. It removed the reason to do re-clears, so we always extend our lockout.
We do it because we enjoy the challenge, not really for the gear, but still… only 3-4 people from out 12-ish person group have a chance of getting any upgrades. Almost every drop gets DE’d or Auctioned.
I’m not begrudging other people competitive gear, but not having to gear up as you progress - by drops in the content you are progressing in - is pretty stupid and unrewarding…
And that’s what my complaint with this is… not that are other people are getting gear, but that there is no real reward in the content I’m progressing thru. Even 5 ilvls difference would be something.
I’d be doing it anyway, so I don’t know… Maybe its a late in tier thing? In the first what… 4-6 weeks? this isn’t going to happen, but a couple months in its a bit boring.
I agree with this. However, what I disagree with, is faulting the casuals for it. While there are, most certainly, casuals who are thrilled with the extra gear, I am as sure there are also not-casuals who feel the same. It’s not a casual thing, it’s a bad design thing, IMHO. The OP only serves to alienate those who might normally agree with the sentiment of gear acquisition being way off kilter… such as myself.
Me too. Its Blizz’s game, their decision. Has more to do with the mess they made of ilvl scaling imo… it forced higher ilvl too fast and made low-level open world content more difficult requiring more ilvl to make it easier for casual players - or players that expect the open world to be easier than it was tuned.
I think most players are after different carrots. In MMO’s if there’s no gear to chase they’d have a much smaller playerbase.
That’s exactly why there’s loot rewarded at harder difficulties and even loot with varying ilvls at all. If loot wasn’t something to chase, why would item power progression ever be a thing in this game?
I really feel removing tier is the main contributor to this feeling. It was what made raiding special. You didn’t care nearly as much about ilvl because tier is what set raiding gear apart from WQ gear.
They removed it and now raiding offers nothing special. I can find a piece of gear equally good in pretty much all facets of the game
As people have said in other threads if your raiding heroic or running high m+ your going to have an overall higher ilvl and better stats. Maybe if people where not so picky about who they raided with more “casuals” would try it.
A lot of the need and extreme use of catchup gear falling every where is the design decision they made of play the patch not the expansion. Vanilla and BC both had a decent requirement to do all raids. You werent gonna be a fresh 60 and be able to jump into naxx and AQ40 without have attained some of your gear from older raids. Same with BC a fresh 70 wasn’t jumping into sunwell or even BT right off the bat and it was designed that way. You could still find plenty of groups and guilds running older raids back then. Now how many guilds you know still doing uldir hell even the LFR queue is obnoxious for uldir. That is just the game design now when a new patch hit a new raid is out the old raid become useless.
I’m not sure. Why is loot item level a thing we pursue? Is it a necessary flaw that pervades subscription-based games? I chase gear a little bit, but usually only for transmog purposes. Otherwise if I’m in there, having fun, and something drops that works for me, that’s a sort of happy bonus.
If the only way one can feel elite is to make sure others are far less rewarded, then we have a human, not a game problem and I don’t think this is a Blizz issue.
Perhaps Blizz could keep gearing all essentially the same and then add situational modifiers such as what they do with PvP. In a heroic dungeon? All stats receive a buff similar to Ice Crown Citadel. In a mythic? Again an appropriate modifier that makes the player competitive. Then, as a bonus, achievements for cancelling out the modifiers to show that one is up to the challenges when it’s ovaries to the wall time.
Gearing that drops from different levels can have different cosmetics so that those who need visible displays of their accomplishments will have that as well.
Pardon if I took too much liberty but I simmed you to see where you stood. At your gear level right now you sim at 19.8k DPS Single target patchwerk. Realistically most highly motivated players will get 60% of that under ideal circumstances (not talking +15 key players or mythic raiders). Adding a few enchants and using Ask Mr Robot to do some gear optimization; you could easily get yourself going into mythic+ without too much work. Even without that you wouldn’t be embarrassed if you know what you’re doing with your spec in BoD heroic.
How does it waste your time? do you want longer dungeon ques because casuals quit Queing for dungeons because their Ilvl is to low and they don’t want to hear about how much they suck? The best gear is still from raids.