So gear isn’t a reward? Then why do people reclear?
The main problem is this: tier sets aren’t a thing. Gear from any other source is as good as, if not better than, raid gear this expac. If achievements are the only reason to do content, then it has the life of one kill per boss per character, reclearing becomes a complete waste of time.
Down with Casuals!!! Up with Hardcore!!! YEAHHHHH!!!
Casual gamers didn’t design this game. Blizzard is handing out candy to keep people subscribed.
If it makes you feel better you could stand outside the bank in Og while spamming a macro that says “bow down and worship me noob, I am Mythic!”
Yet another “hardcore” player who doesn’t actually know what casual means. I could explain the difference until my fingers seize but you guys never seem to get it.
How does this make heroic raiding a waste of time? Is it because you think, in your infinite wisdom, that because you’re able to commit more time (not necessarily skill) than others that somehow the gear gap between you and the plebs isn’t wide enough?
How conceited…
Sort of agree, but then you’re left with new players and returning players who can’t join progression mythic guilds because they’re gear is so far behind unless that guild feeds them gear.
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And that has never happened in wow history amirite.
Gearing is terrible and un-rewarding because due to legion lego’s the base standard for gear to enter anything has been set over the standard of what the raid drops in the minds of the players.
As much as people complain about the Warfronts and the armor they give. The legion emissary quests did hand us higher level gear once every 2-3 weeks at the same rate. But It was staggered and less public that’s why no one seems to remember it.
Also the issue with the gear scaling made gear feel less rewarding. When you up your gear 20 levels and that world quest mob is still hitting you just as hard it’s not satisfying.
Also we have a issue with all gear being obtained thru RNG. This becomes particularly un-satisfying if your are targeting a slot, you feel like you have no control. (note I do have a idea to help solve this: Possibly have a random token drop that would give you 1 of 3 random armor slots and allow you to choose the armor slot you want it to turn into.)
All and all blizzard has a major problem with a stale carrot.
you cant get over it, go to classic and be quiet. grow up
Sorry if I was not as clear as I wanted to be. I had just got up for the day to missed calls of we need you at work, now. Like 4 hours before I was supposed to be there.
What I mea. T with Legion is they rewards were not nearly as high in comparison to the raids etc. I was not getting Heroic level gear from turning in my emmossary like now.
That is what I meant. Sorry for any confusion.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding your point and I agree with the concept of getting new players into harder content but I don’t think it’s good for anybody to allow new/returning players to IMMEDIATELY jump into the hardest content in the game without doing anything below them.
It’s always been my experience that good players know how to gear themselves and know what content they need to do and will get gear on their own time so these casual catch-up systems might benefit them once in a blue moon but for the most part they’ll be doing other content to get their gear.
A returning good player will be behind but can quickly catch back up by doing M+ or lower level raids. They’re not going to wait around for weeks for Warfronts and WQs to slowly proc upgrades so the existence of that stuff does nothing to help those players get into that content more quickly.
The only people it really benefits are the people who won’t ever raid above LFR and don’t like doing any content that traditionally awards good gear and who are happy with a slow trickle of gear over the course of a tier so that their alts always have something to go after.
That might be the majority of the playerbase for all I know but if it is then the game is in a sad/sorry state.
You should have to work for good gear. Not just do a brain dead easy world quest or warfront.
And the metric that defines a casual is…?
“Someone who plays the game for their own enjoyment, unconcerned with how others choose to play it” would be my best definition.
I mean that could be a World first mythic raider
I looked at your armory and I sure hope you consider yourself casual.
The problem doesn’t stem from world quests, the problem is the catch up mechanics. I don’t think Blizz should just invalidate all the older content within the same expansion.
Right freaking here. Catch up mechanics come too early and are too drastic. Took my alt from a fresh 120 to 390 in a week. Stupid stupid stupid