Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

That’s no alternative way of gearing, alternative way is implementing gearing way through something new, like magetower, which was singleplayer, or even making pet battles give gear when you get really really good. Killing 8 pigs is not alternative way of gearing, it’s throwing free gear at entitled players who want everything for no effort.

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Wrong, it currently is an alternative way to gear. You may want a mage tower or something.

Actually it has more to do with the effort put in and the reward you receive.

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Why are you trying to tell me and anyone else how to have FUN. Fun is subjective, that’s how you have fun, that isn’t how everyone else has fun. I DO put in a lot of time and effort, it’s not like I log in and there is some gear waiting for me, I have to actually do stuff to get this gear. The difference is I have fun in how I get it, and i’m not being forced to raid or m+ which I hate.

Stop trying to rail road people in to one way of play, and PLEASE stop letting other peoples fun dictate your ‘self worth’.

If you clear H or M raids, that’s your badge, it has nothing to do with if I or anyone else has similar gear.


Maybe propose a solution that Blizzard could use for more “effort”.

Sorry, incorrect usage of the word “entitled” but good try!

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again I think you forget this is a GAME it is meant to be fun… and no one gets this level gear from doing ONE world quest. Stop exaggerating.


Effort = reward, that’s how games work. When you throw rewards around for free, you lose playerbase, and that’s what’s happening last 2-3 expansions, and when Classic is out, god save current game. I don’t wanna see it die, but there’s people like you who keep trying to smother it with selfish desires of gear.

You don’t need gear to have fun, you said it yourself, you do pet battles, you collect transmogs and pets, you DO NOT need heroic ilvl gear to do that, by asking for that you drive away the playerbase, you cheapen the game.

Entitled= wanting stuff without doing anything for it.

Yes you do, you get 370 gear, which is entry level for challenging content, for killing 8 pigs, and if you do 4 of those “kill 8 pigs”, you get 395-400 item from emissary.

Wrong again: entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

These players are doing something to receive the gear. You just don’t agree they should be getting rewarded.


Entitled: feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are.

This is what you are, you feel entitled to gear just because you’re subbed to the game, without having to work for it.

No they’re not working for it, they begged for years on forums saying they wanna get it for free, and now they do, killing 8 pigs is nothing equal to killing Jaina on heroic.

If your goal is gear then you will just fizzle out and be disappointed imo. I used to play for gear.

Now I push m+ everyweek because its a fun challenge, for a silly IO score that isn’t even supported by blizzard yet.
I don’t need any gear from the mythic raid. I show up to raid because the fights are fun and it feels good to kill a mythic boss.

If the content is good people will do it. People still want AOTC. jaina is a fun fight. if you are pugging they will probably take the m+ 410 guy over the world quest guy still. and you have to get pretty good luck to reach 400+ just from world quests. you will be just shy of that from WQ’s

gear is kinda important I guess, you need a reward system. but I think what blizzard is trying to do is basically catch people up so they can jump into current content quicker with their btag or irl friends with feeling like a total carry.

Oddly enough no one seems to complain about normal raiding being mostly overshadowed though

More effort than doing raids, dungeons and all most forms of pvp? Well, the only thing left in my opinion would be to make World Quests harder that also require you to group up with other players.

World dungeons, solo expeditions with Brann Bronzebeard (or whoever would be up for that on Horde side) through ruins that are difficult to clear, allow people to gear through professions over a period of time, give players a currency through partaking in Warmode and call it “War Effort” which has a weekly cap and can only be gained from completing warmode styled World Quests where you’re assaulting and defending against the opposing factions bases.

Just spitballin but a few off the top of my head.

Well that’s the thing, that’s what issue is and people shift their view the way you did, and then they try Classic and see how much gear mattered, even getting a green from quest makes them go “Oh hell yes, this is huge”.

You aren’t reading anything I write, having this level gear DOES help me do those things and do them better and faster and actually feel powerful. Getting that gear in itself is fun and a dopamine hit.

Again this is a game not a JOB. It is meant to be fun. It is meant to be something we can do alongside having a real life with real commitments which is enough of a slog/grind. I play this game to escape that, not be met with more slogging/grinding.

Why not go back to classic and raid till your hearts content there? No one will be able to “do WQs” to match your gear, you can flex your epeen as much as you like there without ruining live for the rest of us. Win win :slight_smile:


Killing 8 boars times four is still working for it :wink:

Wrong again. You can’t define what work is in the game. I mean you can but it only applies to you! :slight_smile:

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Sorry but I did but in effect for 2 expanses and the same would happen no gear.Only when the gear I have was out leveled did i even get one drop from a raid and none from mythic.And considering the pace of the game you better gear fast because it’s going fast.

You said it yourself, getting a big gear upgrade gives you a dopamine hit, and that’s what game did good, that’s what attracted players, we don’t get dopamine hit from that free gear, you may get it, but lot of people don’t, when you get a titanforged piece from world quest you’re happy for a few moments, but then you get same slot 3-4 times and it’s always downgrade becaue you somehow got a massive upgrade for doing nothing, so when you get stuff for doing something, there’s no satisfaction.

Well that’s what’ll happen, majority of playerbase will go there, and then you’ll cry how queues are huge and there’s no one around. You say stuff like that, and then you’ll complain how it happened.

That’s from Cambridge dictionary, so I’d say you’re wrong.

Sorry, I just wanted to be able to get into the Darkshore warfront; I didn’t realize that I was making an entire activity in which I have never participated a waste of time, my bad I guess?

See, some positive ideas in your post. I am fine with making content get more difficult in different area’s of the game for better rewards. Maybe, Blizzard can look into doing some stuff and it could be positive for more people if not everyone.