Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

I wasn’t even in the raid group that killed him, just happened upon it at the right time :sunglasses:

You leave logic out of this!

OP I am sorry that MOST of the playerbase ‘ie casuals’ actually have real life matters to attend to such as jobs, family commitments and/or study. This is a GAME, at the end of the day it meant to be fun and enjoyable not an unachiveable slog/grind that excludes 99.99% of the average person.

Thank goodness blizzard isn’t run by elitists and does realize it is unhealthy to spend most of ones life grinding away at a virtual reality.

Even as a casual I spend an unhealthy amount of hours in this game!

Edit, also this!!! I can’t wait for classic to release, then some of these hardcore peeps who hate flying, love punishment, love slow leveling grinding and everything can go and stop campaigning to ruin live wow.


Grats friend on your good fortune! :slight_smile:

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No they’re not, not even half of current playerbase, and many have left the game because of stuff like this. Catering to casuals never worked well for any video game.

WoW was started for the casuals…


Yes it has, but it never had free gear like this and game bloomed, giving free gear messed up any sense of progression, and heirlooms messed up gear value through leveling and sense of growth, every little change killed this game bit by bit.

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Well, the game has been slumping since WotLK. I think the problem is more generic than what you are saying. I think it is more due to MMORPG being genre that is slowing dying off.


Actually thats what keeps me engaged and eager to play. The whole dopamine hit from getting rewards. Spending hours upon hours and not getting any rewards (when you don’t like raiding or M+ dungeons) would mean no one stays subbed.

Thank you blizzard for catering to our dopamine hit :smiley: :smiley:


Well that thing’s currently being tested, we’ll see how the classic thing goes and if MMORPG is truly dying genre, or if current game just sucks.

If you get dopamine hit from getting gear, then you care about gearing, and if you care about gearing, you’d care about hard content as well, dopamine hit-wise, but thing is people like you don’t wanna put in any effort in the game, and want all the rewards, and then after few expansions, Blizzard started giving you rewards, and lost a thick portions of players by cheapening the gear value, and it is about gear, even who you don’t wanna do any content claim you get a big dopamine hit when you get gear.

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How will you possibly know? I mean they don’t release sub counts or anything that could give you a realistic idea.

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How do I know? By playing BFA, from start to now, queues get longer and longer, Antorus taking an hour to get people together for mogs, LFR queue taking 24 minutes as healer, warfront queue over a minute when it was instant before. Currently WoW has less than half the people than season 1.

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I don’t think WQ’s ruined heroic raiding. by the time it was bloated this much from wq’s we had plenty of time to farm m+ all day every day for 400+ gear. and if you do your chest every week that is 410+. and at the same time plenty of time to kill jaina.

really the ability to spam m+ ‘invalidates’ raiding i think more than world quests.

since in m+ there is zero loot lockout and you can spam it. even some 16 or 17 keys I have timed I got 2 pieces of loot from one box.

and 10’s are pretty easy. we do them on alts now.

I would be curious how many guilds had killed heroic jaina by the time the world quest gear went up that high. that could be part of their decision making. not sure.

either way. I still probably have 23 ilvl’s on someones world quest main so I don’t think it’s that bad.

I do wonder though what it would be like if your gear stayed relevant throughout the years instead of the power creep. supposedly in elder scrolls you can take a year break and come back and your gear is still relevant.


I agree with you most of the people are blaming the wrong thing. M+ is really what they are upset about.

I completely love M+! I love having the alternate route(s) to gear my characters instead of raiding on all of them.

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And that’s the big misconception, yes it does matter what gear people have, but not as much as you think. Biggest problem with this system is that it gives free gear, which makes people wanna do content less? Why bother with heroic raid when you can get same gear in 2-3 days of mythic+? Why bother with heroic raiding if you can gear near that gear just doing emissaries and warfronts in time? Exclusivity breeds desire, and current game drives you to nothing really, there’s no goals unless you raid mythic, and that’s minor part of playerbase. Raiding is dead, no sets, nothing under mythic that’s worth doing, except “completing the raid”, which you can do on LFR, it’s same thing.


Wrong, it should be just like it is (400 ilevel now, then giving me the 385 Bethnic stuff, I can grind to 430 in 8.2!!!)

I pay 15 bucks a month, so I get stuff too; I’m sorry this some how diminishes your choices.


Thats not correct, I actually put a crap ton of time and effort in to the game, I spend hours upon hours in game. The difference is HOW I spend those hours playing the way I WANT to, and that isn’t raiding or M+ing, however good gear means filtering my time better into what I want to do (which is pet collecting, mount collecting, transmog collecting, pet battling, alt rolling and gearing up). And some of those activities DO require quite good end game gear.

You wanna raid? Go ahead, no one elses rewards should dictate your level of fun. The badge of honor of doing a H raid or M raid should be what keeps you doing it, not if joe blow has similar gear from other sources.


Wait a second.

Haven’t touched mythic+, haven’t touched pvp, haven’t touched raiding.
And you’re 398, just 2 under full heroic raid gear. That’s what the game’s become, and that’s the issue, there’s no incentive to do hard content, when you can do pet battles and collect transmogs and still get gear.

And guess what? We all collect transmogs, lot of us do pet battles, I got more mounts than you do, and I still do harder content, well I used to, now it’s pointless. If you want gear, put in some effort.


Please define what you consider “effort”.

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Progressing mythic+ levels, getting into a guild, making friends, trying to kill raid bosses, trying to improve in pvp, any way really that WoW has been about ever since it was relevant. Killing 8 pigs on a farm shouldn’t give you big fat loot.


So, basically you are upset there are alternatives to getting gear outside of raiding and M+ (ONLY GROUP CONTENT)? Sorry, but this will never change. I think there should be gearing paths in many areas. I think they could even improve the WQ system to be even better and more “challenging”.