Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Yeah it sucks when I am unable to get the gear that is beneficial to my class but im not on here crying about it. I still could careless about the carrot.

If you care about the carrot, then you do actually care about the carrot. Strange i know.

“Casuals” pay the bills. Make your own game and cater to hardcore and watch it crash and burn like every single other game that did that.

edit: after reading more and checking armory OP is just a dude crying because he cant feel like a special snowflake because he has gear that requires a time sink others cant do.


It’s fine/a good thing within reason. I won’t say no one ever complained, but I will say we didn’t see nearly this many complaints when you could buy a couple of items for valor/a couple of BoE crafted items. The problem is, in my opinion at least, we have gone far beyond reason.

Im onto the next comment while you sit here spending time trying to prove me wrong, NEXT.

Gearing is great now!

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Don’t tell them how old you are. You’re inviting the “objectivist WoW players” to start the “you’re old, go die” campaign.

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Maybe you shouldn’t base your self worth on what others have. If I work my rear off and buy a Rolex or a Porche, I don’t go around looking at other peoples watches so I can feel superior to them or if they have one too, I don’t inspect them to see if they were given it or earned it.

Learn to be happy for what YOU have and what YOU achieved and quit stressing over what others do. Your live will be much happier.


You mean the expansion that introduced grinding heroic dungeons for raid level gear?
Every expansion after Vanilla had “casuals” getting raid level gear.


Well perhaps that’s a bit harsh. Being a Tauren, maybe more of a “put out to pasture” scenario. :cow:

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I don’t see the point in rewarding a guaranteed piece of 370 gear from riding Ai’twen for 2 mins. When you have to queue for and kill bosses in LFR for just a chance at that same quality of reward.

Let alone, when riding Ai’twen, A pet battle, Calligraphy, and turning in 20 Frenzied Fangtooth result in a 395 item.

Your telling me 4 WQ = Killing Normal Uu’nat?
Seriously, the Dev Team needs to sit down and plan things better. The reward structure this expansion is just a train wreck.

Next patch we are getting 385 gear tokens that can be upgraded up to a max of 415(?).
Thrall only knows whats going to happen with the reward structure next patch.

Are WQ scaling beyond 385? Are the tokens going to make WQ and Emissaries obsolete?
We all just going to end up with a horde of tokens to mail to all our alts in a weeks worth of play and never touch the overworld content (WQ, Emissaries) for the rest of the patch?
This whole thing is just a complete mess.


That’s not true. If you look closer I’ve been doing some pet battles which are serious business. :wink:


Thanks :smiley: I love the looks of the older gear, finally finished filling out that particular armor and it’s other colors. Got the Alabaster plate on my pale cow DK.

Haha, a shovel would be perfect.

This made me snortlaugh.

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Light forbid that casuals have some meaningful gear progression that doesn’t shove them into a raid.


Sure let me grind resilience honor gear on my own so I can wreck the faces of raiders in pure PvE in the open world. :slight_smile:


You do realize what they call Heroic raids and Mythic raids prior to WoD were the old Normal and Heroic raids. Did you also know that this game was made as a more casual mmo compared to its predecessor Everquest and that most of the money this game makes is because of the casuals.

The problem isn’t with the casuals it is with Blizz putting in a system that instead of letting us feel like we have made progress we now have to stay on the hamster wheel to keep their time played metric going.

Gearing and all problems with WoW currently have nothing to do with what type of player a person is. It has to do with them no longer caring about putting out a quality product and instead putting out a product that inflates their numbers so as to impress their investors.

Pretty much what they have done is put lipstick on a pig.


If you place your value on what others players have you need to call a mental health specialist immediately.


Good thing i only go as high as mythic 0 only you will live sir.