Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

They should take the game a step further, make everything pvp, like a real “world of warcraft” with a diablo 2 hardcore mode. Where we can group together and slay all the filthy casuals, and in response have the casuals group together for a realistic battle for azeroth.

Which is precisely my point. There is no reward system beyond loot boxes for anybody below mythic raiding. That’s beyond dumb.

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I remember that feeling of having t3 in Vanilla. We would do arathi and as a tank i would just sit on top of flags as the opposing faction would just beat on me. Good times.

Yeah I remember doing what I could to avoid the folks in T3 in original Vanilla. I hope to be one of them this time around in Classic. xD

I mean the secondary stats really don’t matter too much when you are under 400 ilvl. Ilvl will always be a upgrade. At low gear levels you should be focusing on azerite traits. I mean you still have access to the same content as a mythic raider, just a lesser difficulty, they literally have the same stats. The casual won’t be running as much as a mythic raider so odds of getting gear with good stats is lower. If you put effort into something, the higher chance it rewards you. Edit: at your ilvl, you can spam mythic plus to target pieces you need. If everything was easy to obtain, than there would be no goal or drive to play. BFA btw.

Hard pass. I like having a functioning liver.

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If good gear is only for the top elite players with no chance for others to even be in the “gear ballpark”. Should top end players pay a higher monthly fee. Last I check, we all paid the same fee. Can’t we all enjoy the game?


Fine. I guess I will just go become an alcoholic on my own. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You should take up my new passion of drinking salty tears. There’s an endless supply.

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I don’t like salt, though. :frowning: (Really, I don’t… it’s a thing!) I guess I could get my required intake of salt via tears though.

Gargling the salt water helps the soar throat from laughing.

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That’s true too.

Now that’s funny, thanks I needed a laugh.

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By way of comparison - when Argus came out in 7.3…

Tokens gave 915 - normal dropped 930, heroic was 955/960, LFR was 920. WQs were around the 900 range.

That is catch up gear.

Getting Heroic cashes from weeklies is a replacement gearing path… it’s not even different gear… it’s the same items that drop in Heroic BoD

is thiss guy retarded? like full brain dead retard thiss game isnt for casuals anymore if you want to be good you have to spend all day on this lame excuse of a game

No. This isn’t Classic. Classic rewarded you for being on the game all day.

BFA you just have to actually be good and show up.


Again, no you don’t. Getting good at this game has never been easier, with all the resources within a few clicks for all players getting better at this game takes very little time.

nah your pretty wrong their ay its actually the other way around running M+ none stop for titant forging or spending 6hours in mythic raiding sounds like nolife crap to me

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You don’t have to run M+ all day and I’d say more raiders raid 6 hours a week than 6 hours a day. You don’t need to be Method.

6-9 Hours a week of raiding is nothing, also the amount of people running M+ 6 hours a day barely scratches the surface of the player base. So that a pretty pointless thing to bring up.