Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Well then, you have terrible luck. :stuck_out_tongue: WF is probably fine, for the most part, TF needs a hard cap far lower than it is. It should not be eliminating whole tiers of content. That is very problematic.

Assuming flat ilvl and not bothering with sims…

Your not far off Heroic at 395 vs. baseline 400 drops - especially considering your toon has no M+ or raid history… your about equal with normal and just above LFR.

If you were running Darkshore more often and hitting the emmesary everyday… you’d probably be low 400s.

For comparison -my main had 5/9 Heroic BoD and at least 10 weeks of M+ 8-10s and is 407…

Indeed. At that time, it was only in non-LFR raids as well.

A huge TF is so rare, it really has no discernable impact. The whole point of TF was as an incentive for people to keep running content after they’ve gotten their raid gear because hey they might win the lottery.


In Legion I ran them constantly. In BfA the class mechanics and trash overload actually made me unsub. I would run 1 or 2 a week to get my +10 cache. Mythic Pluses suck this expansion because the dungeons suck.

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I know right BFA is amazeing!

A socket is 10 I levels. So wf with a socket is 15 I levels.

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I hate games that make you speed run. I hate trash mobs in pve. If I could only fight JUST bosses, I’d do that. Thats why I love raiding more than Mythics.

Even though the little Raid experience I have I just can’t get into it. I enjoy the non-pve/pvp end game content of MMOs. Yes it does exist.

I also hate gold making. In games like ESO, crafting is fun for the sake of crafting. Not for gold making. To me its fun to craft just by itself. Same with Runescape. Its just so fun to do crafting in that game, and I opt out of crafting for efficient gold making.

I just enjoy the game in my own way.

I don’t enjoy and take pleasure from BFA. Everything is effortless and feels like a chore.

Yes. I want to grind for ACTUAL rewards rather than do chores that are effortless and get me no reward. #bfa


You are 100 percent correct. Which means nobody has any level of control of secondary stats but mythic raiders and even theirs sucks.

It’s RNG on RNG. You think I want all this CRIT vers crap on a lock?

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Im still here.

One of the best feelings in Random BGs is coming across a mythic raider whose sole purpose of queuing was to farm low ilvl players but soon realize gear doesn’t mean skill.

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It was just an analogy for power. Call it, power on demand, if you will. Obviously a Ferrari will smoke a BMW or Toyota (in general, they all have supercar models).

I wouldn’t even say that

TF and WF ruin the game gearing wise not because of casuals but mainly because blizzard implemented them as a replacement for valor upgrades.

I’d personally like to see valor grind come back and allow people to upgrade 5/10 iLvls by doing content instead of RNG God rolls for doing nothing.

The biggest issue is you had a good system of acquiring gear in legion via Legendary items, artifacts, relics, tier,offset, and more to losing all of it and replacing it with azerite armor.

Just bring back in all of that, add back reforging, and implement a deeper mastery/talent system to flesh out classes even more.

I’ve been saying for a while now a deep never ending sphere grid system like FFX would be great and let players branch out I to many different areas to build the character they want.

Said dungeons were only there to bridge the gap between 200 and 232 gear, because no one wanted to go back to earlier raids to re-gear up people.

Most of the catch up was through badges. Which scaled up to the same level as those dungeons.

Same thing in reverse for raiders then only fair.

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That grid was my favorite feature in any game ever. Not even gonna lie.

I think it could lend itself beautifully to this game. You get spheres that reduce CDs, cast times, crit, haste, and then bigger spheres that enhance abilities. I’d love for all of doomhammers cool perks to be back, ele puppies(I know it’s a talent), lavalash torandoes, and ele spikes from attacks. Add in even more.

LOL, well dude you better follow that carrot till the ends of the earth. Me personally I could care less about the carrot it doesn’t ruin anything for me or for my life.

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It definitely could be interesting, but I can already hear the wailing of “but what about balance?!” Lol.

Go play classic.

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