Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Your assumeing i like to do Mythic+ in the first place tryed it in legion its old news to me now don’t care about timed content.

It’s even worse when you consider how raiding isn’t even that hard.

Even in mythic, it’s basically just having the gear and listening to the raid leader. It’s not some unbreakable wall that requires a doctorate to understand. If cross-realm was enabled for day one of a raid being out, I wouldn’t be surprised if some geared pugs could clear most of a mythic raid on day one.

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Git gud, and git green eyes.

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I don’t even own a car, does that make me a sub-casual?

Only if you own a submarine.

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I like that, but I’m out of “likes” for the day

A kiddie game what ?? I honestly would not recommend this game to many people let alone children. Maybe earlier expansions yes but not today especially with this community. Funny how people say the game is kiddie but the player base itself I find very highshool. The OP post is just an addition to the community being childish.

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The wealthiest person I know is an Amazon VP and he doesn’t even own a car. He does have a top of the line bicycle, though. Parking in the SLU area is horrendous.

He’s referring to how oversimplified a lot of the game’s mechanisms have become.

Okay well then ask for that instead of blaming on “casuals”

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Filthy casual!

Certainly a sweaty casual at least

Haha. The Doppler blg is full of people in raggedy tee shirts and their pet dogs. Thankfully there’s little to no carpeting.

Maybe early on, but Wrath started the idea that dungeons added later in the expansion drop gear at a higher baseline than the ones from the start of the expansion as a catch up mechanic for returning or new players.

Wrath also introduced heirlooms for easier leveling of alts, which in turn had an impact on the twink community.

Solution: start your own MMO. Let me know when it’s out.


Gear you get from raiding is still far superior. The gap isn’t as big, but the difference between my 415ilvl Bis raid gear and your gear is huge. I sit roughly on 235k hp and obliterate mobs and opposing players. People don’t understand how significant ilvl is these days. Im not calling you out, I was just using this as a example to prove a point.

Where? As far as I know there isn’t any publicly available information on the number of players much less how often they engage in individual activities.

Because WF/TF didn’t exist in the past.

So what? The amount of good TF I’ve gotten this expansion I can count on one hand and WF is only 5ilvls.

The first iteration of warforging was Siege of Orgrimmar and was a replacement for the prior tier’s thunderforging.