Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

What was the purpose of this post if anything it sounds like your complaining go stick mythic + or raiding. Some people are not interested or have the time for all that.

People need to honestly stop blaming things on casuals if anything it makes you sound like a selfish person because Wow has its challenging content it might not be what your exactly wanting, but maybe specify your request.


Know who isn’t complaining about WQ and emissary gear in this thread? Hardcore progression raiders, because they understand the impact of superior secondary stats and itemization on their throughput.


Idk i feel good when i get an upgrade still. Idc if another player wins the lotto. Doesn’t hurt me.


Only for trinkets maybe. Most BiS trinkets for my spec come from dungeons.

At what ilvl though? Do the Normal and Heroic versions still out-sim a 405 or 420 from M+? Or do I have to get the Mythic drop for it to be BiS?

What I’ve found is that M+10s (over the course of the 2-3 weeks it takes to farm the essences) is providing no upgrades over Heroic raid gear.

You know I’d also like to point out that you don’t just roll into a WQ and get max ilvl gear. The ilvl you get depends on what you’re wearing. You almost have to raid or do 2-4 weeks of weeklies and get lucky on distribution to get the ilvl needed to even go above 360. So its not like this gear falls from heaven.


There are less mythic raiders then there are normal and heroic raiders, so no, i wouldn’t say that.


I would. There’s never been a larger distribution of progression raiders.

As a matter of fact, you can find that out by reading Bloodmallet’s reviews of BiS gear for locks on icy veins. Or you could sim it since it is interdependent and predicated on what other gear you have equipped.

Normal and heroic are prog for a lot of guilds. Invalidating rewards for them is a bad thing.

When everyone gets a participation trophy, the trophy becomes worthless.


Its not. I’m sorry the statistics don’t back up your claim. On average progression guilds have those raids cleared in 2-3 weeks with their main group and are pushing into, or progressing, into the mythic wings. Then after that time period is when the ilvls get bumped. If you’re still in those wings after that time you’re not progression raiding.

Literally the point of a participation trophy is that everyone gets one.


The gearing system sucks…but you cant blame casuals. This game has ALWAYS had casual players in large numbers and it wasnt that huge a deal until ‘they’ decided to make this a kiddie game.

Way to miss the point.

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There are still guilds that do normal and heroic progression and most guilds don’t actually have it cleared within the first 3 weeks. I have friends that are only 8/9 N and 4/9 H and every week they go in and bang their head on Conclave.

Not sure where you’re getting your numbers or information from but a healthy raid community is going to have groups of all different skill and progression levels from 9/9 Mythic raiders at the top to the guilds stepping into Normal for the first time at the bottom.

Progression raiding is any raiding where your group can’t overpower the raid with gear or where the content isn’t self-nerfing or so easy that it can’t be failed like LFR. It’s not confined to a particular raid difficulty or player skill level.

The fact remains that this “catch-up” gear completely invalidates those difficultly levels and the guilds and players that used to enjoy doing them are suffering.

I used to like to use this part of a raid tier to play my alts but thanks to Warfronts and some low level M+ I already have more gear than what I could get out of Normal BfD … so before I’ve really gotten good at or learned the fights as a DPS, I’m already feeling pushed into Heroic and soon after Mythic raiding in order to get any character progression.

I don’t think that’s good for the game and it’s taken away an entire area of the game for me to enjoy so now I’m just bored and don’t play at all.


I am a seriously casual player and I absolutley dont WANT that high end gear. it feels easy and CHEAP when I get some drop I know I didnt deserve.
This is ALL on blizzard doing this to attract more players…attempting to, anyway. But as you say, its worthless when its cheap. Kinda like passing out Peace Prizes to people who didnt do any real work to earn them. Cheapens the entire thing.

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The numbers are public and available to anyone to look at. Blizzard even has raiding timetables. Again the statistics just don’t support your argument. When people are in trade chat selling runs for 400+ gear you don’t get to say that catch up mechanics are ruining progression. I mean I could literally pay some gold and in one run my character will be better geared than anyone else just doing WQ’s for a few weeks.

You’re right. Next expac we’re doing away with all raids and M+ and from here on out it’ll be Normal Turtle quest, Heroic, Mythic and M+ Turtle quests…until the playerbase whines about M+ turtles moving too slow so they remove it and only keep Normal Turtle quests in.

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Normal can’t really be considered progression raiding since it is literally a flex raid, as opposed to a normal level raid from the pre 5.4 era. Heroic sure, because it’s old normal.