Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Titles and mounts are only in mythic. Right now normal and heroic are the ones suffering from the increasing ilvl of trivial content gear.


Now Iā€™m missing Wrath, I had the BIS gear in Naxx, full lock 25m tier, The Turning Tide, The Dying Curse.
We cleared ten man in February that year, right before my birthday, the guild then progressed to 25m. I loved having my shiny gear, and I used to help others get geared too.
The times in Ventrillo, and then dancing on the fountain in Stormwind after the raid.
Those were the days, now I donā€™t even care any more.

Normal and heroic arenā€™t prog raiding.

They are for some people, and they are supposed to be rewarding. Now their reward is outdone by running around the world for 20 mins.


Iā€™m in an F&F guild. We raid 3 hours a week. Normal/Heroic is our progression too, but I donā€™t worry about someone that never raids getting a higher ilvl than me. ilvl isnā€™t really my goal. Otherwise Iā€™d try harder and try to join our sister guilds in running Heroic baseline and working into Mythic.

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This is also my problem with ilvl here.

They removed the middle.

Most of these posts are world content casuals arguing with Mythic raidersā€¦ but its those of us in the middle that lose that sense of progression.


The thing about hyperbole is that if you have to use it to support a position, you have no position.

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I updated my post, I was slightly off, but the statement is mostly correct.

And to be fair, the best xpac (In terms of raw subs) was Wrath, and it too, had catch up mechanics, but it was through Valor points / Justice points.

Which was a ton of dungeon spamming.

I still canā€™t get some dungeon bosses dialogue out of my head from wrath.

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I wish you can have it back, gear progression is something that is sorely missed.

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What was the hyperbole?

What hyperbole? Depending on what emissaries pop up someone can get more heroic raid ilvl gear in a week doing 4 world quests a day than they get from raiding.

Which is my entire problem with it.

Edit: That and WF/TF giving 45 Ilvls.

I would suggest that you ask the person I was responding to. Heā€™s the one who thinks that badly itemized wq and emissary gear is comparable to mythic raid gear. :laughing:

Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing. I never mentioned mythic.

Yes, it certainly is, since itemization is common to heroic and mythic.

What? WQ azerite pieces are just as good as most raid azerite pieces. I use a 365 WQ trinket to raid because itā€™s destroying the raid trinkets Iā€™ve gotten

There was no hyperbole. Itā€™s a fact

because they canā€™t sit in town like days of old and have people constantly drool over them.


Everyone has access to the AZ pieces through a vendor, man.

Yet one of the things fondly remembered by many is walking into a capital city, and walking past a decked out character and being awed by it.

Or just paying gold to another guild. There really is no argument.