Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Because spewing hyperbole and lies contribute so much

Lfr is the story mode, and doesn’t require normal, much less heroic raid ilvl gear to complete.

No that’s what I was trying to get across. Typical forum trolls trying to jump down people’s throat though.

Sorry bro, step off.

Still doesn’t stop it being a requirement.

You got clowned. Just accept it

Nyaria? Unrelated but…your helm makes you look like you have two lazy eyes.

Yes…it does…rofl. Players don’t start groups for lfr, it’s automated. So the ilvl required is quite low.

Please don’t point it out, it’s the one thing I don’t like about this set Q_Q

Lol. Ok bro. Reading comprehension is a very valuable skill.

The actual item level spread was only ever big in BC because of the requirement of doing previous raids to access current raids. Even though vanilla had the same idea, many BiS items in vanilla weren’t necessarily the highest ilvl. Wrath, your difference between a dungeon crawler’s ilvl and a prog raider was what… 20ilvls? 25? And that was at ICC. In the beginning your heroic dungeon runner or 10-man raider had ilvl 200 while your prog 25-man raider had 213.

Social gatekeeping being the only limitation on gear acquisition didn’t have an impact on the ilvls themselves.


Is it so much to ask for a simple formula where the time you put into the game = the gear level you get? Is that so much to ask for?

I hate this socialism we have gotten this expansion.

Quality time or afk in the city trolling the trade channel time?

Edit: Just double checked

200, 219, 232, 251.

These were the gear milestones in Wrath, unfortunately, I think 251 was just for the legendary axe, however since the stat squish it’s hard to find the exact numbers.

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Doesn’t matter. They’ll both net fairly similar ilvl

Its pretty simple common sense. Blizzard wants as many people to play as possible. Which means access for casual players. Its not going to change as long as it brings in the money.


If you’re on the Ferrari level you belong to a socio-economic group that hands Ferraris out to their children upon the culmination of 12 years of education. People who work to earn a living and support a family aren’t blowing it on a Ferrari, which is notorious for an extremely expensive and frequent maintenance schedule.


I think the core problem some people have isn’t with the ilvls, but the social aspect. But Blizzard moved the prestige of prog raiding into titles and mounts several expansions ago. They were pretty open about it. The fact that you can pay for runs is just incidental and you can blame the prog raiders for selling these titles and mounts for gold if you’re dissatisfied with the prevalence of them amongst non-prog players.

I don’t necessarily mean you, Nyaria, but I’m jumping off your post.

Yea it kind of defeats the whole argument about gear when guilds are running fresh alts to get 400+ gear.

And honestly, I wouldn’t want to own a ferrari on the roads here in California. They’re terrible and I’d sob every time the undercarriage bounced off the pavement.