Gear Update and Trial Accounts

So you can do a Gear Update on any character level 10-60 that meet the requirements. This includes characters level 10-20 on accounts without a current subscription.

When you do a Gear Update, your old gear (the stuff on you and in your bags) get mailed to you. Cool! But you know what accts without an active sub don’t have access to? Yeah, mail. So how are they going to get their stuff back? There is no warning or notice that you may actually lose your stuff if you don’t sub within a month of doing the Gear Update.

So, was this an oversight?


Well mail is held forc30 days before going poof usualy peemanatly. Hopefully plays will come here before doing something recless and we would tell them to open a ticket ad ask for a day

We could, but that is not something they’re doing anymore.


When did this change i thot they still gave out a day if they asked nicely.

30+ days ago, though I only noticed it barely two weeks ago.

Though the exceptions Vrak indicated could certainly be that this isn’t contingent on buying a WoW token, YMMCV.


Not an oversight. Due to botting reasons Trials are unable to access the mailbox in any regard. Imagine the chaos if Trials could access it.

It was probably more of, “Why would a level 20 need to update gear” because…well, there’s only so much gear you can acquire at such a level.

I feel the best option would be to file a ticket and see if you can have temporary access to a mailbox but as mentioned, it doesn’t seem like they’re doing that anymore. I just know they did it for me when I played a trial in the past.


I was back and forth on pushing the button to upgrade because of the mail the items as well. I just exit game at that point.
I will do one toon to see what gear I get, and see if they remove my BoA items.
A lot of my 20’s have level 87 gear; from running group content.
I will try one toon…

Narran-firetree level 17 blood DK.
Is now ilevel 34 greens…lol.
I can buy level 40 … From Quarermaster Ozorg … ( Sanctuary. ).
Experance is turned on …
Nothing in the mail, but icon on mimi map.states mail from Narran.

If it removes heirlooms just make new heirlooms.

Enchanted BoA’s?

unfortunately no

That’s not the issue.

The issue is that the game replaces all of your gear and bags, regardless of whether you once had larger bags or better gear— and these people can’t get it back.

Don’t forget, it’s bags, too. Plus, people can sell the old gear. Or the new gear may suck comparatively.


You do have a option to just log in to the toon. The message says … Something like if you decline you will not be able to do the upgrade later. I selected the DK because of the vender to buy back what I had. No big deal.
I did not notice the bag size…only that I had a lots of free space in the single bag option.
Off to work I went…

After a 2 day wait on a ticket and 2 tickets (having to reopen cause of the auto reply) this is part of the reply:

Now I can most certainly understand you wanting to see if this is possible here. I have looked into this for you here, and we were able to add a day of game time to your account for you. =) In the future though we won’t always be able to apply free game time to your account.

Now, yes, this 1 day sub did resolve my current issue this time, but as stated, “we won’t always be able to apply free game time to your account”. Meaning this is not a fix or a solution for a problem that others may find themselves in. So Blizzard needs to consider:

  • allowing trial and non sub accounts access to specifically those mails (as they come from your character so maybe restrict based on that)
  • block the Gear Upgrade feature from accounts without an active sub
  • give a warning prior to completing the Gear Update that unless you get an active sub on the account within the next 30 days you’ll lose the items in your mail

So heads up for anyone on an unsubbed account. You may lose all your items if you use this feature, and don’t get a sub on your account within the 30 days.


I don’t know if you still have the day of time or not, but you can use the general forum about this, or use a low-level toon to log into the game and use the in-game suggestion box to pass this feedback.

The CS forum isn’t the best for it.


I’m going to add this thread link to my topic in GD about the issues with the Welcome Back Gift.


Already submitted a bug report/suggestion. Did that the other day.

I was just posting an update to what I had found out from my original post where I asked for assistances in case anyone else found themselves in the same situation they would know kind of what to expect. As the first suggestion was to ask for a free day. However, it looks like that may be a limited option as Blizzard may be selective or limited to who and how many “free days” they hand out. So if you’ve had too many in the past you may not get one for this.

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There was a previous post that i said the same thing and then i was debunked with vrak saying that those days wont be happening due to complications with the trading post.

Ahh, had not read that yet. Good to know. Previous post deleted.

I do have an account so it might be different.

I just upgraded several of my old toons and I have 179 days to get my gear out of the mail. I think this is the same amount of time as a paid boost. Some toons had boa gear equipped, that was in the mail also. Some had reagent bags and even that was in the mail instead of being equipped.

Hopefully this amount of time is for any account.

It is also character specific. Don’t use the mail as storage as it is not meant to be such.

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