Gear Update and Trial Accounts

Worst thing here is they unbind all your keys, if you have a class like Druid with 4 specs you are better off grinding gear out then redoing 4 specs worth of keybinds. Also I just did it to see on a level 60 toon that was max PVP IL I think last xpac, he went from 280ish IL to 187 not really worth it, that 1 time warning thing makes it seem like you better consider it though.

You do know your items are mail to you? Just re-equip them. As for the keybinds, you can always redo them.


So I come back to the game and see this gear upgrade option. Looks decent, new gear and bags right? I accept it, log in and all my bars are reset, I get equipped with these crap 22/20 idk slot bags, and all my crap is sent to the mail. I also wasn’t teleported to home city.

And I love how some people say just redo them. I’ve had those bars for over 10 years and no I don’t remember what exactly I had on them because I have 18 characters just on that one realm.

I get that some people find this meaningless or not a big deal. I guess a comparison I could use that most people would connect to is your browser saying there’s an update, you choosing that update, and you losing all your favorites. Then everyone saying just redo them.

Edit: Not to mention, you can’t even log into the character to back everything up first. What’s up with that?

know what accts without an active sub don’t have access to? Yeah, mail. So how are they going to get their stuff back? There is no warning or notice that you may actually lose your stuff if you don’t sub within a month of doing the Gear Update.

I have an idea how to fix this problem without making any major changes to the gameplay. It would require some clever programming and I do not know how difficult it would be to accomplish.

What if, when you clicked on the Gear Update button, Wow gives you like a 30 minute mailbox buff and you have 30 minutes to get your gear out of the mailbox till the buff wears off? A little icon in the top right corner and when that expires " POOF" the mailbox stops working. It would be exclusive to gear updates and I would stipulate that you would need to play for at least 20 levels to qualify for it , so nobody rolls a level 1 and gear updates it , just to use the mail.

What do you think?


The lack of any proper information offered when this comes up is a huge problem that needs to get fixed and it should also be checking your current items before hand so that it doesn’t get offered to you as the gear is worthless if you’re already above the item level of the gear being given to you.