I got to 1800 with item level 155 post-nerf. Post meaning after. Then I saw that 3 specs were specifically ruining every ladder and joined regular BGs and casual RBGs to cap and I’m sitting at a good item level to destroy whoever I want now. I should go to 2.4k and hurt peoples feelings but nah I got a lot of work to do irl. Think I’ll stick to capping and wargaming forum nerds. Havent lost to a forum mouth breather yet. Its Gr8
To be honest my friend- the people in 1400 with 40k hp are all mythic raiders that are awful and have 0 vers.
I had a phase on my alt where I was trying to cap but versing people with 40k hp, but they honestly die so fast.
If you’re above 190 you shouldn’t have an issue with these people if you have “skill”
Don’t even bother responding to that green text Dillon guy, he’s an agent for Blizzard so ofc he has to defend this garbage.
Developers like Dillon just don’t get that PvE nerds shouldn’t autowin in PvP.
Keep up the good fight against the man, original poster.
Dillon’s not that bad. He just rarely stands up for the truth when it comes to class balance.
Yep. Still don’t understand why Dillon refuses to get us some PvP fixes. Guess he thinks everything is fine now that Hunters can 1 tap people from camo with unstoppable damage. Just kick the hunter bro.
LMAO this is quite the conspiracy
Will do, it’s hilarious how these whiteknights get. Look at this guy:
He boosted his ratings and sits on forums preaching how easy pvp is.
He underplays the gravity of imbalance. He doesn’t want removed as a green poster.
i could get 1800 with a 184 rogue with ease lol its not a flex 1800 isnt high rating
its just gear doesnt matter that much at that low of cr
Then why dont you go get it instead of flexing on a thread where nobody cares?
ur saying ur hardstuck 1300 becausae of gear
literal lies
i dont do it bc im not leveling a 5th char lol
I never said that, you just assumed it like how you assume I care about rating or gear.
u made a thread crying about gear so i imagine yes u care about it
No I made a thread talking about gear disparity, horrible balancing and terrible PvP design which has more likes than anything you’ve posted in this thread.
The only one crying is you.
the only problem with pvp gearing this xpac is how much honor you need
i was just breaking it down that the pvp balance isnt thte reason ur 1300
ima stop you right there, the only thing more broken than pvp is your logic.
i dont care about rating, gear, or you being able to get 3k rating with 100 iLevel gear.
so if you dont care about gear why are you complaining about it
pve andys that cant push past 1400 with 40k hp shouldnt be punished for not being able to climb lol
obviously there are a lot of carries rn but i am sure ur not facing multi r1 every game l o l and if you are then just kill the degen theyre carrying then u win in 10 sec like idk what to tell u
im not complaining, im just stating the reality of WoW, youre the one white knighting it so anything that hits a little too close to home comes off as complaining.
its ok that you feel how you feel, but more people agree with me and a lot of people are unsubbing for the reasons I laid out so unless you and the company you simp for starts making changes, its only going to go downhill faster.
i dont understand
what do you want tthem tto change with gear?
i like higher rated players geting better gear, idiots shouldn’t just get equal stuff when theyre putting in less effort
stop rating locked gear, increase cp cap and let the only benefit for glad players be exclusive mounts/xmogs/titles, they shouldnt get better gear than everyone else also.