Gear > Skill

Welcome to iLevelLands where 1200 bracket is full of 40k HP Mythic monkeys backpeddling on sub 30k HP players while white knights scream “gEaR wILL BaLaNcE iT oUt”, all the while AWC where everyone has BiS gear still has pro players getting one shot by convoke and fire mages.

Honorable mention to the AWC casters that blatantly saw and ignored the MC bug while the chat mods tried to ban people talking about it, what a great sign that this company actually cares about the state of the game vs. the amount they can make off the players.

Also, remember how everyone said after AWC we’ll get balance updates? Here’s your balance update for 1/19/21:


  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger Guardian of Ancient Kings that’s under the effect of Glyph of the Queen.
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger on the correct target while talented into Guardian of the Ancient Queen (PvP Talent).
      • The Ardent Protector’s Sanctum (Legendary Effect) will no longer cause other Protection Paladin’s Ardent Defender to be placed on cooldown.

10/10 game bois, 10/10 community of white knights, 10/10 community of pro players who clickbait YouTube videos with titles like “ONE SHOT CLASS?!?!?”.


You can’t expect pvp changes the very following tuesday of an AWC lol.

They have to decide which way they’re gonna approach the nerfs, then have data and stuff, then code to apply them and what feels best. Kaleiki also said there needed to be a consensus for certains balance to happen. So if I had to guess I would say 1-3weeks later.

It’s not a single man’s job in one day.


Someone needs to tell cdew to KiCk tHe cOnVoKe. What kind of complete noob eats a full convoke and doesn’t kick it? Can we get some forum gladiators to teach cdew how to play


If you’re a dev its harder to see whats happening with pvp than pve.

Pve have a god damn website of ‘‘dps’’ and ‘‘healing’’ charts, and since its not multidimensional like pvp. So its easy to do tuning for pve.

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“just kick it”
“just line it”

here’s blizzard dev team’s response: “just ignore it”

PvE changes didn’t happen either, is that also because of AWC? :rofl:


Eh. The two go hand in hand. While gear matters, ability still matters most. Granted, the two work off each other. Getting gear is simple, but it does take time. RBG’s are stupid easy and any competent player can get to 1800 for a full set of 220 pieces.

Plenty to complain about. Gear shouldn’t be one of them.

they did a pve pass the second week of january. frost mage, fury and assa rogue.

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We need a pvp stat asap lmao


Literally half the ladder is filled with boosters and 1200 players buying 2100 rating while preaching about how fun PvP is, stop it.

It’s unbalanced, iLevel dominant gameplay where even the most broken classes are insanely boring to play like fire mage, or boomkin.

3 button rotations go brrrrrr.

Still no frost mages in PvE, no fury either or assa rogues on any of the raid charts.

Nice changes.


Nah. That just isolates PvP too much and kills participation.

Yea. No.

It’s unbalanced, but ilvl dominant is a non-issue. You literally just play the game and get gear. If you have any level of ability, you’ll have the gear you need to get where you want.

They were the very bottom 3 on the list by a large amount, now they arent anymore so its less than 1k dps difference in average between each specs except arcane mage.

Like I said pve is single dimensional so its very easy to do tuning unlike arenas where there are so many nuances. And there’s legit no data for it. You just have a ladder thats it.

AWC is a way to view pvp too, but even then if you have no idea whats happening, how do you even know what you need to nerf.

Funny how these posts are always made by someone hiding behind an alt


News flash, WoW PvP has been dead for years. Welcome to the afterlife of the PvP scene where your favorite WoW pros turned to clickbaiters because there’s no other way to get eyes on any sort of PvP content.

It’s ok, you can live in delusional land while the rest of us exist in reality.

Nice job white knighting for poor game decisions, I bet they could drop a 15 minute black screen expansion and you’d sit here telling me how incredible the art design is.


Based on these forums.

  1. Gear > skill
  2. 1200+ is filled with geared ppl.
  3. Ungeared ppl are buying 1800 rating.

So basically undergeared players are being carried, vs players with a ton of gear, by skilled players in a game where skill doesn’t matter…

That logic is more broken than Blizzard’s PvP balance.


News flash, people have been saying that since wrath. 35k+ players were watching the live stream and many more have watched it since. Dead is a pretty relative. Participation has been about the same since MoP.

Okay troll. Every troll has to hop on their alt first. GZ on just getting 1550. Clearly you’re an expert now.

Nice job crying about an issue only scrubs have problems with. You can literally do 4-5 RBGs a week… lose NO rating and get 220 gear. It’s literally free gear.


Why not? The mage fire 40k pyro 1 shot exploit should have been hotfixed the day after it was discovered. Protection legendaries being used by holy/ret paladins should have been fixed on tuesday. Those items literally say “Requires Protection” in the Adventure Guide, it was clearly not intended for a holy paladin to have a 50% wall on a 45 second cooldown.


That yes, but there’s probably not enough voices about it so they didnt see it yet. Those guys deserve to be banned and all their rating set to 0. Its just cheating. Going from 2k to 2.7k in a single night lmao.

I knew about this since beta honestly. But its just a AWC gimmick because its safer and avoid death in tournament to win. I havent faced a single ret or holy with it yet honestly. They can fix it tho, doesn’t really matter.

Im more talking about a huge balance pass in general, that takes more time and work, specially for pvp because there’s no data for arenas about ladder, and representation doesn’t always reflect what’s stronger, it can just be popularity so its hard to make balance only based on that.

No it’s because adults with a life can’t dedicate hours to getting good at a dead end MMO, so the people that do no life this game sell rating because rating ultimately doesn’t even determine skill, the gear you get from it does.

It started off with a fraction of those views and tripled near the end, I 100% believe Blizzard view bots it to make it seem bigger than it is.

Don’t worry, i’m almost done buying my 2400 boost. Once I get my 226 armor, i’ll come tell you how your opinions are wrong and why i’m better than you because of a number nobody cares about.

Only one crying is you, everyone else agrees how dumpster juice-esque this entire expansion is.

Maybe if you simp harder, Daddy Blizzard might drop a nice surprise in your weekly lootbox next reset :wink:


I have, and we’re effectively the same rating.

A 50% wall on a 45 second cooldown doesn’t matter?


I think the tin foil is a little tight on your head bro.

Year of experience > w/e you’re smoking

You made a QQ post on a level 35 alt crying about gear.
