Gear > Skill

Imagine defending a one shot button because it can be kicked and if it can’t you get punished in the form of losing.

PvP is a joke and the people defending it like you are the punchline.

Never said that, you set yourself up for it and I dunked.

No, you literally said I had no life because I’m good at the game and you’re not. :frowning:
I think you’re going to need to pay extra for that carry dude.

i think im in love…


get better? Not my fault that you suck at this game.

Talked out. Good luck at learning.

Cry more, your tears nourish me.

Don’t worry, i’m boosting to 2400 soon so I can come on the forums and lie about how skill matters while I backpeddle 1 shot kids in 226 gear.

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great crying…i like it. Feed me more

Sorry man, I don’t think I can match the number of tears in your posts. =/

GL @ 1300.


My wording meant, don’t you think that if people can 1v2 to 2400, that it shouldn’t be too bad to get to your normal rating even if you’re undergeared?

I mean tbh that’s all I’m saying, I feel like if someone is low rated despite being super geared there’s probably a reason

Not that gearing is perfect in every way, I’m a fan of wotlk-mop gearing but still

Wym, elaborate


ur so dumb it actually hurts

the mies gets glad in greens


Imagine losing an internet argument so hard that you just repeat the last roast the person you lost to used on you :rofl:

See you boys in my next thread, “Skill > Gear, a true story of how I climbed to 2.4k in 1 day”

Did you even read the OP? The entire post is about how PvE loot being nerfed is causing a massive inflation in the ladder to where you have mythic geared monkeys at 40k HP stomping out 30k HP players.

Even if a handful of people can 1v2 to 2400, it doesn’t mean everyone can or should. This is why boosting services are more relevant now than ever, and half the ladder in 1500s is filled with R1 players smurfing and carrying people.

If someone is low rated despite being super geared, then they got knocked down to the MMR that they’re supposed to be at so yeah I can agree with you there.

Read my first point.

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  1. They actually banned people talking about the MC bug and it was disgraceful.
  2. There were no PROT palas… Shocker
  3. SL is worse than BFA just as most of us predicted.

Translation — Credit card > Gear/Skill

He lost all the arguments and is contradicting himself. Obviously the cheese slid off the cracker.

Imagine crying about rating and blaming it on gear while being 1300. oof.

GL on the pilot I guess.

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I have the most liked and agreed opinion here, the rest of you are just white knights getting destroyed by my usage of facts and logic.

Don’t worry, I found the boosting site you used and applied code “ADROI” at the checkout. Thanks for the discount!

lol. That’s some next level salt. I have some fresh level 60’s I can help you on if you want. I’m sure we can get you to 1600 in no time.

idk how, I queued with his lfg 25khp paladin and he hoj’d stun dred targets and told me not to sap healer while calling me the worst rogue to exist against all odds, then when I sapped the dps he didn’t hoj healer and again called me the worst rogue ever and said I confused him by not sapping healer that time

the mies doesnt need to explain himself

he is legendary best hpal world

Get gear or die tryin’

@ op, yes, wow in an mmo rpg, which means that gear and character stats matter. its what the genre is built around.

however, gear does not totally trump skill, as evidenced by those that are able to reach high ratings in really poor gear.

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