Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

You’re right! I was on my third double rye by that point though, so cut me some slack, eh? :slight_smile:

As for this, I don’t know what you’re saying.

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Are you STILL crying about gear? Bro play the game and you won’t have to beg for higher item levels on the forums. It’s been two weeks now!

It takes less than a week to go from fresh 60 to 245 pvp item lvl, casually!


Yes take a 36k hp rogue and a 27k hp war vs a 52k ret/war and 54k havoc dh

pov: you are the rogue/war

tldr: gear obviously makes a difference


You seem really mad bro projecting up a lot of nonsense to “feel gud” :slight_smile:

I have to appreciate you though you proved my point well thank you!


you have to be trolling with this mind set its not just two weeks there is a lot that goes into it venruki made a video on it talk about being comp clueless. Not to mention theres a multi rank 1 glad that made a thread about how bad gearing and the gear difference is . so you are wrong .

I am so tired of hearing this argument. If gear shouldn’t matter in PvP then it shouldn’t matter in any content whether its M+ or Raiding. Why not just give us heirloom gear that we never replace. Then boom, once you hit 60 you can jump right into Mythic raids and +15 keys. Think about it, not more gear drops ever. Not from raid bosses or dungeons - just drop transmogs and call it good…sounds silly huh? Yup.

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Because PvP does not equal PvE? Ones competitive and the others cooperative. Very big difference.

Your point really was…


Honestly the elitists in PvP don’t want this system. Revlol and venruki are prime examples, go check their threads. It’s mostly boosters, boostees and duelists who like having a power advantage lol… Most competitive pvpers just want wod gearing back at this point.


My apologies, I didn’t realize there was no such thing as competitive M+ or competitive Raiding…smh. This game is and always has been about player progression and gear. If you want to remove that from one aspect of the game completely then I say remove it from them all.


There really isn’t lol… Have you seen the MDI? also most 99% of raiders don’t compete against other raid groups. They just try to get aotc cooperatively with their guild. Hell sometimes they cooperate with other guilds to get it! Also ironically when they do the MDI, everyone has access to all gear. On live there is no competition. It’s all cooperative.

You can achieve that in PvP without rating locking gear :roll_eyes: tbc-wod. Honor/conquest. Done. It’s no surprise that mop and wod were two of the most popular PvP expansions population wise. So much so that holinka had to tweet how popular it was.

But yeah PvP is doing great right now :roll_eyes:


Exactly. Farm honor, get honor gear, farm conq, buy conq gear and if you are cream of the crop, you get to buy the “elite” gear that is slightly better than normal conq gear.

Conq geared person should not be able to beat more skilled honor geared player

Conq geared person should be able to beat equally geared less skilled player

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Never said PvP was in a good spot atm. I would love to go back to a WoD system for gear. That is actually the last expansion I did spend time in PvP until SL. I practically lived in Ashran back then. But do I agree that after all the time I have invested in upgrading my gear that a fresh 60 in SL should automatically be on the same level gear wise as me…absolutely not.

In SL PvP, players are advised to gear up in more difficult content before they do the easier content. That’s not how progression is supposed to work.

Furthermore, PvP is supposed to be competitive. Ideally, there should be a level playing field where skillful play shines through. Unfortunately, SL’s massive gear progression and power gap are completely tilting the PvP landscape, making the game less competitive and less enjoyable. Newer players are being driven away.


Less the new players fault and more blizzards fault lol…

Same level gear wise maybe not. The gap however is nuts. It’s not just ilvl. There’s conduits and leggos and sockets and on and on. Do you think that’s a good experience for a new player?

Players slowly leaving over time + no new players ever = deadest portion of a dying game.

Some sort of middle ground needs to be found.


Gear progression in PvP is perfectly reasonable.

This particular gear progression system in PvP is laughably bad.


Check out Tekken.

Please stop giving reasonable suggestions that get in the way of their whining.

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sure you can beat higher gear trash players with worse gear, but lets be honest if you have to trinket 1 stun instead of sitting it due to dmg/absorption differences it does make a difference

Underrated comment.

In a game that revolves around cooldown trading at the competitive level, having bad gear fundamentally warps the game dynamics when you have to unfavorably trade.

Current meta of having lots of power in CDs is better for overcoming gear disparities.

High throughput/sustain is more forgiving of poor play.

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