Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

I miss legion :joy::joy:. Blizz should test a brawl with item level cap in Random BGs and see the participation level.

I was thinking that I would like solo shuffle but I just hate pillar jumping. Some how I find that ok in bgs like arathi where you can use the buildings to avoid LOS or in temple of kutmugu, but in arena in find it stupid, running around a pillar.


Of all the hair-brained ideas I’ve ever read on these forums…

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Depth and complexity is good.

I enjoy it. So do many others.

If keeping depth and complexity in PvP means that it doesn’t become as popular as the PvE side of the game, that’s fine.

If this is the only conclusion that you can draw as to why people like having numerous spells and abilities to use then it would indicate that you have not put much thought into this subject and/or you have not tried looking at it outside your own narrow viewpoint.

If you can’t keep up with managing more than 6 possible abilities then you should stick to mobas instead of trying to dumb down other games.
Mobas are fun though, I enjoy them too. I main Shaco in LoL and Riki in Dota.

Hush, the moment sub rogue is back in the bushes being ignored you’ll be belly aching again.

Although Legion Sub rogue was fun.

Still not every class/spec needs 3-4 kinds of cc and we sure don’t need self heal abilities (although it makes sense in bgs) and the constant Los and running away In arena has never sat well with me. Like you automatically lose in mma if you are hesitant to engage.

Rogue vanish is one thing, but this thing where I have to run away and hammer vivify on my ww is lame.

Plus with 6 dedicated pvp abilities/talents More Tank specs can join in.

Fewer dedicated pvp abilities is all I can think of that might get blizz to pay a decent amount of attention to Wow pvp without turning it into its own moba.

You had a young professor, Harebrained or Hare-brained would be the widely accepted term my friend. :wink:

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League of Legends is that way :arrow_right:
Have fun.

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I see what you are getting at.
Controllers have six buttons, and two main shoulders which can act as Alt/Ctrl/Shift keys.
Asking for 18 might even be more feasible, still a hard sale.
WOW and keyboards go hand in hand.

I dunno, I just feel like with so many abilities to balance in raid and then in pvp with modifiers that pvp will be forever neglected with the current xpac schedule.

“Elves are scum.”- Throwy McJudo.

i said it back then that legion had it right just a lil adjustments could have been made . I predicted that it would be a terrible system but everyone back then hated me n said no they wanted gear to matter . So i guess they are happy now . Half of them dont even play the game anymore lul .


We also wanted vendors, and they listened.
Added multiple tiers of grindy upgrades too, with severe gear disparity.
It is a parlor trick, Monkey’s paw.
Sure it looks like they listen to the community but then just use a small portion of it to build on planned systems which benefit current financial goals.
Time gating, Potential Gold Sinks are all very blatantly obvious this past patch/expansion.

And then we blame each other.
Players asked for it! But did we.


This sounds like stockholm syndrome.
Hire more staff/teams, pay/treat them well.
This company has some of the best (if not the best access) in the industry, with the best profits to peel from to boot.
Get the thing done, there is no excuse.

Yeah not at all sorry whoever thought that unranked casual pvp gear should be gated behind a time gate of playing rated to upgrade unranked gear . Is quite delusional and that is not at all what we asked for when we said vendor .

I’m not asking for free max gear ,it’s just stupid casual random bg gear is locked behind rating .

I said what I said .


Lol way to change gears to a separate issue.

Whenever I managed to beat some feller that’s 15+ ilevels above me I smile and understand exactly why most of these “git gud” folks like to mock/have fun/insult the unrated dudes “crying” about gear and stuff :slight_smile:

Gear SHOULD matter, but there shouldn’t be such a huge ilvl disparity. For example Conq gear scale up to 250, honor 245 and everyone else below that gets ilvl boost to 240. Elite (2300 rating+) get elite appearances and ilvl 252.

You still keep getting stronger with gear, but people are not absolutely anhiliated when they want to play casually.

(Just like WoD)
P.S ofc ilvls can be adjusted


That’s all most folks would want I think, though the projections here are always engineered to suggest “wanting stuff for free, lazy, etc.” when in most cases it’s just not enjoying certain types of content.

That’s not how a lot of these personality types want to “feel” it’s about :slight_smile:

You made it sound like we can’t expect the devs to balance more than 6 abilities due to neglect within the past/present. That was all. :smiley:

You know what makes me laugh at the elitists who want to keep the GEAR system they say “Git gud”
Wait, what do you mean good? is it skill based or not guys? make up your minds?


To add to my point, you don’t get to beat me with higher ilevel gear and CLAIM you are better in skill then me. It doesn’t work both ways, if you want that then we need same equal footing, same iLvl gear. then you are allowed to claim that.


Just a tip, it’s better to probably edit your original post versus making two on the same topic or thought. Comes off a bit “weird” lol :slight_smile: