Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

Alright if your having issues fighting someone 10 ilvls above you its not a gear issue. However when your fighting someone 40+ ilvls above you then yes that is a gear issue.

Look im not sure if you were around when they tried template but they were bad. Yes they fixed some issues but caused loads more. Yes you could pick up a new toon and go but some of the templates were weird and felt just ugh.

I did pitch an idea that I believe would help all pvpers.

Basically allow all pvp gear to scale to its max ilvl in instanced pvp (bgs and arenas both rated and non rated) honor gear scales to 252 ish and conq gear scales to 259. Check the forum post and see what yall think. :confused:


Scrolling through and looking at some of these comments. Its kinda funny. Gear SHOULD matter but not how it matters here in SL. This xpac the amount of times you need to upgrade your conq gear is just dumb and the gear difference between a fresh-full honor gear is nutty. Full honor is 213ilvl? and max conq is 259. Why?

Look I did say gear should matter but that stats should matter not the lvl of the gear. If I wanna play fury I should be able to go and get full haste gear and get more consistent dmg and if I so choose I can stack full mast gear to get them big 1 shots. Customization and options is what I love about wow. Sometimes you get 1 or the other and sometimes you get neither. However when I get both I personally have the most fun.


Customization is great like transmog encourages stomping through old content gearing up helps people grind higher than their normal skill level or at least incentivize them to. However for majority of players they cannot reach competitive levels of gear which really sucks.

40+ ilvls? There is no world where that is OK. Honor gear is useless and conq gear is hard to come by for alts or new players. I’ve sent all my unused conquest to my alts but most don’t have that luxury.
Go watch all these 0-hero challenges. Most still send boxes over cuz they don’t want to start over over. Starting with full conquest is far better than usless honor gear. And these are people who stream or YouTube and get some money out of it even if its a little bit. Go start a new toon and do t send boxes over the struggle is real.
I honestly believe that blizz should double down on cosmetic rewards in pvp to give people a reason to push rating. Not pay some booster to get gear and then plague low rated/no geared players in low rated ques or rando bgs.

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imagine losing to someone below 1600 rating lol

Imagine being so ashamed on these forums that you swiped for a name change.


Imagine being obviously bad at rated PVP but STILL coming onto the forums to “feel gud” by trolling/rating shaming anyone who hurt your feelings :slight_smile:

Don’t worry bro you can hit 50% W/L, if the little engine that could did, so can you!

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They want to hide, last played with.

Dumbest idea ever.

Stop trying to make this an arcade game. This is an MMO-RPG. The gear is crucial to the spirit of this game. It has been this way for almost 20 years and it will never change.

Find another game.

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Haha it looks like too many actually have.
Gear should matter, don’t get it twisted.
Within a more reasonable difference, which is what the majority of what this thread is about.


“your” and “you’re” are two different words, son.

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Meh the people who get the rated gear and squash the players in random bgs will never agree to this because they very much enjoy the advantage and the farming. They could care less about the effect on not so “committed” players.


There’s a reason why the tournament play all has the same gear.

nobody can counter this argument, NOBODY. Every single elitist on here that’s clawing and holding onto this idea that they actually have skill are wrong, they don’t have skill. None of you are battling against my skill vs your skill if our gear is different. Period, end of story.


That full set of crit gear you bought on your ret not working out too well?

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Not true, I personally think the item level gap is way too HIGH. I don’t mind gear being gated but the gap is too much.


Exactly. I was sorely disappointed at the stack of versatility that came with Conq gear, and the loss of my FUN stats that are on my PvE set. Instead of forcing a ladder of upgrades only to further stack the same stats, why not offer a single iLvl set with change-able stats, gem slots, enchantability as the upgrade incentives?

I switched it out, why?