PVP scaling O.o

So I play a warrior and have since jan 2005. Was the first class I played and I fell in love. However Im an altoholic :frowning: . I see all the cool or fun things all the other specs can do and I try them. We all know the pvp gearing sucks so I was wondering what if in instanced pvp all pvp gear scaled to the max pvp ilvl.

right now 2100 conq gear scales to 259. what if all conq gear unranked and all just scaled to 259. and all honor gear scaled to lets say 252. right now on alts my biggest issue is honor gear is useless and getting conq is rough. yes i sent all my unused conq from this war to get boxes on my dh now i get to play my dh. but not everyone has 15k conq that they cant use.

I know that blizzard believes thats the power progression is what players love and want. what id you kept this same system but only for non instanced pvp. keep the system as is so you need to hit rating brackets to upgrade it but it only matters in war mode and dungeons. personally it doesnt really bother me on my main cuz this is what i play everyday and it doesnt effect this toon. however on my alts fighting people max geared in instanced pvp isnt fun.

everyone has heard this you cant do bgs cuz everyone is maxed geared. oh you cant do arenas cuz there are so many boosters. with this pvp scaling there wouldnt be an issue in instanced pvp. the getting honor gear would feel nice cuz each piece is gonna help you and not feel super worthless. and getting conq gear is just a little bit better but can scale to higher lvls in again non instance pvp.

i miss the days where me and my firends would get a full set of conq gear and go invade stormwind. or just go out and slaughter some alliance xD. still do this but solo since my friends quit. there are way to many barriers to pvp. leggos, conduits, renown, gear, not enough players to play with, lfg idk (insert all the negative things you hear or feel about wow here). honestly i just wanna play. if i cant find players to play with on my main let me play an alt. allow me the ability to get a full set of honor gear so i can sit in lfg and not get bodied on my alt. its hard as hell to learn what a disc priest can do when you have 30k hp and die in a single blanket silence from a shaow priest /cry.


This is probably the best idea pitch I’ve heard yet. Well done. Honor gear is 7-10 item lvls below conq gear. Everyone’s gear is max ilvl in BGs and arenas. The rank 1s would like it because they would still be number 1 because there years of practice and ability adapt while trading properly. New/ casuals would like it thinking they were on the same footing. Besides the real rewards are mogs achievements and titles. Double the pvp art budget and let them go to town on mogs, weapon enchants, tabards, class specific items cough warlock pvp floaty skulls bgs, ect.

I still think a gnome against goblin style bg with environmental hazards fighting over a controller that flips the stadiums and shuffles acid flame pits with robotic stampede into spring loaded spike platforms would be amazing and appreciated.


Its what we all want, but it won’t happen unfortunately.


I’d play it

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I don’t care how miserable the experience is for FoTM rerollers tbh OP and that is the ONLY person that this gearing system punishes, particularly really bad ones.

Gearing system is fine.

Somebody posted a venruki video recently that was on point, even if you want to return to the game when you see how much stuff there is to do you’re going to bang it

If you’ve never played wow before and just want to try it there’s even less of a chance of you hanging in there

Just because things are doable doesn’t mean they’re well designed

Somebody complaining that they can’t get 1800 with 249 ilvl because they only fight 259 ilvl players is a totally different thing, however gearing is still bad and anybody that thinks otherwise is a part of the “doesn’t affect me so it’s not a big deal” crowd


I don’t think this particular market is worth worrying about as I doubt it is very large. Usually this is just a red herring for the forums

This patch is so old that everyone has had time to get geared. I can’t stand rerollers and I am convinced this really only screws them over.

There are plenty of games that don’t require character building, or time investment. Perhaps that is more in line with some players way of play than WoW.

I’m down with raising the floor of gear to a much higher level.

“How do we make money from that type of gearing system?” - The Management

Bgs and arenas are the only things in this game I will do just for fun. I’ll be completely over pve but I’ll still log on to do some pvp.

I don’t because of the gear gap. Grinding out the initial honor is a royal pain. Getting one shot constantly is not fun.

I could swallow it though if I knew the gear would put me on a decent playing field. Max honor gear makes it bearable but it’s still bad.

Then I have to grind conquest gear, do rated pvp, then grind more honor??? No man. I’m not going to do that.

Pve has normal dungeons for people that just want to log on and do dungeons without worrying about gear.

Pvp does not have an equivalent. It is insane.

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Are you scared rerollers are going beat you? Currently full geared balance is actually extremely high outside of a few comps, so if your losing to rerollers its probably because they are better then you and when you beat them it could be entirely because they have less gear then you.

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Said nothing of the sort but I see how you play the game by your comment. Do you always FotM reroll?

Honestly, power progression isn’t the end of the world…its the time it takes to grind that is absolutely ludicrous. Take whatever time it takes to go from fresh lvl 60 …to full 259 ilvl, 262 leggo, full gems/enchants, 252 conduits, 80 renown…and speed it up by about 10,000%. I’d be fine with that approach as well.

The gearing system is horrible for new players and returning players not just "rerollers’. There is no reason the gear disparity should be so big ,
New players should not be one-shotted in a random Battleground nor should they be at a disadvantage ( a big one) when they 1s start the arena.

It should be competitive based on game knowledge

Ive had friends just quit due to the amount of work it takes just to be on same footing the gear difference is HUGE and I would love cool mogs and titles and even special mounts glad one and elite one and R1

No I always play every healer and have multiple alts of every class because i enjoy playing different things, as soon as i have to gear another toon its boring and its boring for all my friends aswell so they all just quit and we never end up playing it at all.

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this gearing system literally effects everyone. both good and bad. myself in full maxed gear and my alts who are barely ilvl 180. the gearing system and all the barriers are way to much. so many of my friends quit cuz there was just way to much grinding and/or to much dependency on gear. to think that this ONLY effects people re-rolling FOTM is you just trolling or angry cuz you to lazy to go through all the trouble to re-roll yourself.

all i want to do is play wow (mainly pvp however). wow has much more to offer than just my warrior. yes i will always main a warrior, but i love the theme of hunter. hunters and all their pets calls to me as a person (i love animals). Rogues are super fun. ill admit im that rogue that irks you and when you try and kill me i vanish and wait for my cds cuz im hella bad and know im not good at being a rogue xD. druids man i love that i can do everything (nuff said). death knights were the first call that almost made me swap off my warrior. just the theme of these undead monsters i love it, but they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow that i just cant. monks are super fun being all weird and monk-ish. dh flyin all over the place smashing buttons loving life.

My point is i just love this game. yes the systems suck but there is more to wow that just my warrior. yes i will always be on an alt and see a warrior charge and i get home sickness (btw charge is my most fav ability in the game. i get the biggest smile EVERYTIME i press that button xD) and basically insta log back onto one of my warriors. this gearing system really does hurt alot of people. just go watch any of the 0-hero challenges that the pros or high rated players are doing. yes they eventually get pass the barriers but they struggle. they die to things they never died to. lose games they never should lose. if these “gods” are stumbling what makes you think some average joe isnt?

please @blizzard let us play the game :smiley: