Gear is rating gated for SL

ok man in 5 hours when I’m home from work I am going to quote ur posts bc I dont feel like doing it from mobile

WHO said those outliers SHOULD have been in pvp?


QUOTE me saying I want an uneven playing field?



No, I am saying it makes PVE an easier way to gear for PVP for those who either can’t or do not want to do rated. And with less PvP players being able to get the better gear, PVE players will have a gear advantage.

Equating PVE and PVP gear is a disaster and balance will be impossible.

Im on mobile too but I don’t even know what we’re arguing about anymore if we’re on the same agreeable page?

This makes no sense. If people aren’t willing to do the highest form of content in PVP, but they are willing to do it for PVE, then OF COURSE PVE will give them more gear.

u said the power gap was marginal in old xpacs

I said no it wasn’t it has literally always been like this and mostly worse than this

so no, we don’t agree

Not bad to have multiple gearing options. And no, people who sit in random Bgs should not have an advantage over mythic raiders and on par with top rated pvpers. If you want good pvp gear, push rating.

Yes those seasons the few specific strongest pve items did help (more than marginally with legendaries) but shouldn’t have been that way? Now what else is there?

I care little anymore about the power of old pve items because it SHOULDNT effect how the game should be balanced moving forward. The literal best gearing system to date would be blizzard just giving everyone equal pvp gear which they customize the stat lines of their choice. No outliers whatsoever

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I didn’t say highest form of PVE. Maybe it was too nuanced and complex for you.

WoD had it right, it was more fair and more fun, and PVP catered to people who enjoyed PVP.


yes those seasons aka literally every single one ever

yes those seasons where the few items is everything but ur 4pc pvp set

wotlk players could wear pve every slot but 4 pc

do u just not know or are u lying

It’s time to accept they want people to actually do more content for gear than afk through Bgs or Ashran.

What is going on? Every season ever? I’m literally comparing bfa gearing (the worst ever) and what we don’t want slands to be to how gearing should be. Even using pve items in place of pvp items in the past the gap was smaller because of pvp specific stats or bonuses.


so u just don’t know then


What are you arguing for first please?!?

Well, you should advocate for a WoD classic server then. That jarring scaling is not going to return to WoW. Rightfully so.

go read my posts I have been very clear with u

if u can’t manage this then idk what to tell u

I’ve thought for a few responses now I was talking to someone that has a complete refusal of reality anyway

The current rating requirements give mythic gear…

At 2400+… they lowered that for shadowlands so far more people will have it.

Okay and once again.

It shouldn’t exist period.

We have been through this song and dance. With the old PVP weapon gating. Blizzard lowered it, and then in MOP finally said Look!

Its a clear cut ISSUE, it 100% causes issues with pushing brackets, and we are removing it.

Common sense would also tell you that is the case, but apparently that is thrown out the window around here. And that was just the weapon, now they are gating all gear lol.

One step forward 3 steps back.


Sorry but my minds not changing.

I don’t care if your mind changes lol.

Your opinion is bad, your ideas are wrong. That is reality. The system will change, or more players will leave, is what it is.