Gear is rating gated for SL


A 1% difference, or even 2% like legion would be acceptable.

When its the 10% or more that it will be, thats not okay.

That creates a hard wall, and will force PVPers into PVE so the problem is not solved.

You actually have no idea what scaling will be in place.

Yes I do.

because if its not at least 10% better, the Raiders will throw a fit.

This pretty much renders the comparison pointless tbh.

Though I really like your idea about rating offering max ilvl with the items changing depending on tier

Stick to classic then. So much better :joy:

Unless we separate the gear again. Even a hint of a raider throwing a fit will nerf PVP gear.

Like I said, thats why the diffrence is SOOO blown out in BFA, 2x the damage is due to corruptions. Without them, 15-20% is more realistic.

When the full set is 10-15% and the full set is at a rating wall, the wall will be created and enforced. Have you not Qed this season? Played 10 games at 2/100 mmr yesterday, out of those 10 teams only 2 didn’t have 2 2700 rated people with a 1400 person.

The wall will push lower, using that system if it gets moved to 2100.

Tiered rating tie like the old days, would be 100% more acceptable than the hard wall thats being proposed especially with an MMR system that can be cheated and is.

I joined the season extremely late. I only saw one round of gushing from the vendor, and wasn’t able to pick up a full set, so I just got my elite from 2’s and wanted to pick up beta access.

I hate this season with a passion. Corruption and pve trinkets have ruined any semblance of balance or fun design.

Plus, the season has gone on for so long that inflation is insanely high and it’s very possible to do these carries.

I honestly don’t even want gladiator in this season. I’d rather just grab my quick elite and dominate in shadowlands

It’s one thing if gladiator is 2400 and r1 is 2700-2900. Gladiator literally being 1000 rating below r1 is a joke

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Yea using BfA as comparison is flawed. The ilvls are way down and more achievable in slands.

Ya I joined late as well, I was able to buy enough gushing to do all my slots but 1, which I had to fill with Vers 3. (Well aside from my sole slapper)

Thats why my gear is now also stuck. The 460s I have, I am stuck with they have gushing. Got a 475 for slot, no way to put gushing so dead piece.

I even got a 450 belt, but its gushing so its stuck.

I think people are really passionate about making sure Shadowlands pvp lands on its feet is because 8.3 BFA is a complete circus, pvp has literally never been this bad before it’s almost comical.

We have stuff like Drest and Claw ripping people apart, Gushing wounds melting people, casters machine gunning spells out and Hpals casting like they have cheats enabled, this is some wildly stupid stuff and its been going on for way too long.


You actually don’t know, that’s what I’m saying. Nobody has been able to upgrade arena gear or unlock a chest. There is the very real possibility the best gear comes from 2400 only


Yeap. Just seeing corruption removed is already an improvement to the health of pvp.

We still don’t know exactly how the gear progression is going to work in shadowlands.

Personally, I think you’re on the right track with your progression system. Would be great if blizzard did something like that

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Yea and slands is looking much better just gotta nerf those pve trinkets.

Again, you underestimate the elitism of the dragonslayers.

If the Mythic Raiders are not doing AT least 20% more damage than people in Herioc gear, there will be riots.

Bud, I’ve seen dragonslayers saying that because they had to get a rank 3 Blood or Conflict and Strife that they’re basically qualified to be Gladiator so I know.
Imagine goin full 1000 yard stare because you had to win a pvp island.

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Actually you’re right. We’ll see soon.

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I don’t really agree but I see your point. I personally like the rating wall as it’s not too high and it helps motivate me to do better in arena. I do see why the super casual players that just want to do random BG’s all day would complain though as I was one of them for most of my WoW life, only started to really play the game properly in BFA and I want to push myself more in SL. I think the current system in SL is good, outside of OP PvE trinkets. Even if you don’t like arena you can easily push to at least 1600 pretty quickly for the item level boost and then your fine in Random bg’s. Hell maybe this will even help RBG’s for players that dislike arena, they could use more players joining in the fun.

I know how things have been in the past but I don’t agree with time = best everything mindset. I don’t think it’s asking too much to hit 1600 in a ranked game type if you want to get good enough gear for BG’s. I really think Blizzard should use this opportunity to push RBG’s as a proper path over arena.

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Yeah it doesn’t explicitly say anywhere. It’s kinda ambiguous… Not a fan

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No offense, but your not really playing at a level where the wall becomes apparent.

I’m not talking about a wall between 1600 and 1800, there is no wall there.

Come back when your trying to break 2100 in Herioc gear and all of your opponents have BIS mythic gear.

Thats where the wall is. Gear is not relevant up to 1600, as the majority of people in that bracket are just bad or also lack gear. Once you start getting over 2k, you will see a drastic diffrence.

The issues with RBGs run MUCH deeper than gear. Drastic, and likely not well received changes would need to take place to fix that game mode. Such as limiting classes to 1 of, healer and tank limits ect. There still fun, but there is a reason no one takes them seriously.

Also, to be clear as there seems to be separate arguments in this debate. Everyone keeps saying you shouldn’t be able to get through random BGs, and that’s why the rating req is needed.

Where is the random BG argument coming from. In the past random BGs never gave conquest that I recall. No one is asking for that random BGs should only award Honor, for Honor gear.

Rated play give conquest, no rating locks, or at least tiered, and increase conquest gains for higher rating.

Saying “Time should never award gear” well seeing how I can face roll 15 keys for a weekly 475, it already does. So no reason to put a rating requirement on gear.