Gear is rating gated for SL

They did limit healers to 3.

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I mean the OP of this thread has no rating, so yea he wants to gear just through random BGs. And in wod, you did get bis just doing randoms or Ashran (just slower)

Oh okay, well I didn’t look at OPs rating and didnt play WOD.

I dont think you should be able to get Conquest at all from BGs TBH. For me, it takes the fun out to be honest.

As I feel like I have to BG for conquest, and then when I am in the mood to BG I feel like doing another is a waste, as I get less conquest and it feels like my time is wasted. Truly bad system IMO.

i mean if you didnt expect needing rating for higher ilvl i dont know what to tell you

Currently challenger in BFA gives end of week reward of heroic ilvl loot and the weekly box caps at mythic at 2100.

Using this same logic we can be fairly certain 2100 = mythic gear in SL out of your weekly box.

The big questions I have are, how much conquest can we gain a week, how high can we upgrade a piece of gear. I don’t like the idea that I might just pool conquest for many weeks so that way o don’t risk getting duplicates from my weekly 3 options.

Conquest starts at LFR ilvl, and we only get 6 upgrades (like the honor gear) it most likely will be that conquest upgraded gear maxes out at heroic ilvl. If this is true, then your weekly box is the only way to get mythic gear.

That means for most classes, with perfect RNG at 2100 would take 14-15 weeks to get a full 226 set.

Except once again, That system was tiered in the past and removed because it was bad for the game.

No other MMO does some dumb stuff like that, because its a stupid bad system.

Getting conquest and gear out of randoms is fine. You can do that now, and we’re up to 460 gear (equal to 1600 rated gear) I think that’s fine, but not the highest gear.

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And that means, that people that Mythic Raid, will have a Clear cut large advantage and create a Wall to get to 2100.

Anotherwords, We have to PVE for gear, nothing changes.

There is no way to allow conquest, from randoms and stop the highest gear, without Rating gating to 2400.

Were Full circle back to ITS BAD FOR THE GAME, Not says me, says the Entire Blizzard Dev team constantly until Ion came to be in charge, someone who doesnt like or play PVP, surprise.

And you know, the fact that NO OTHER MMO, has ever implemented a system like that, because its bad…

Rating locks on Gear, Forces PVPers to PVE. If you think its okay to force PVPers to PVE your in the wrong forum section.

As long as they reign in the scaling, it will be fine. Legion had this ilvl gear per rating. They should also allow 2k or 2100 or w/e to get the highest gear, not 2400+

Here is their exact wording. Its funny reading how the entire article, discusses the Early Start Advances, Late Season joining, and Rating gating, and states how they are terrible for the game, only for Ion to come in and put them right back…

Also only weapons were gated at the this point. The divide they are talking about, is only Weapons.

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Yea and that was gear that had set bonuses attached to them. Was far more detrimental than flat ilvl.

Incorrect, Cata elite sets were only cosmetic.

The “Sharp Division” they are referencing was ONLY a weapon.

Which was more powerful than flat ilvl increases.

Not really.

I didn’t even personally see a problem with the Weapon being gated.

You could Heroic raid for a good enough weapon.

Your also once again side stepping the point. If conquest gear either doesnt go to 226, or requires 2400 to get it, it might as well be BFA, people are going to have to PVE for PVP gear.

TBC was 1800 wep and 2200 shoulders.

Back then normalization of abilities wasn’t like it was today so some classes just hit massive power spikes when they got their 1800 weapons.

Wrath they changed it and did a low tier weapon at 1600/1800 then a high tier one after 2100 or something.

Correct, I realize that, I am stating what was the case around the point of the Article which was issues in 5.2, so Cata an S1 mists, where only weapons were gated. Elite sets were cosmetic.

I did say I think it should unlock at 2k or 2100. Not that I’d ever get to that rating or anything.

and I am saying, where they move the rating, they move the wall. The wall is still there, changing where it is, doesnt fix anything.

That logic actually makes zero sense though. For bfa 1800 only gives you 480 on azerite and you still need to be 2400 to get the rest as max level loot. I really don’t expect anything different out of sl. Unfortunately both of us are doing a hell of a lot of guessing… not to mention how conquest upgrading even works. How much of a grind is that going to be?

Blizzard. Could we get some clarity please?