Gear is NOT what's holding you back

It’s wild that we used almost the exact same words and you still disagree


You’re trying to go extreme to prove a bad point


Does it? Snupy must be going further then i think he was doing jungle at like 2500? Maybe he’s just pushing it as far as he can but I saw ven struggling at 2.2

I’m sure ven can reach 2.4 but there’s no way he’s getting where he usually is. Because gear matters

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The point is gear matters. It clearly does. Maybe not at 2100 when you are typically a 3400 player tho

Rather than arguing with each other let’s get drunk and agree that farming honor sux


Idk about Snupy, but Absterge is the one who started it (as far as I know) and he’s been hitting 2.4 and then starting a new toon.

Either way, the point is Skill > gear, even tho gear does make a difference.
edit - I’d still argue that you can have all the gear in the world, and be trash
example - OP.

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Comp stomp Tuesday thank God.
Ready to gear the alts


To an extent.

Ah yes. Correct

Yeah, the current system feels like it was designed by somebody who goes into the season playing from the start and doesn’t setup alts.

Because between getting the weekly fully upgraded vault piece and only being able to really buy a piece weekly due to the conquest cap it keeps things pretty reasonable, at least for the most part. You can usually cover upgrade costs with just your cap gains.

Which I think felt pretty good.

Coming in late, or on an alt?

Forget about the vault, you’re sitting through 100k honor of bgs to get everything set up.


Don’t tell dozer he has comp stomp ptsd


Yeah, I could see how losing to npcs in a bg could give you PTSD. Lol

I just did rival 2 on my resto shaman, first time healing 2s this xpac, and i feel like gear mattered a little. I mean, having 15k extra to than when i started certainly gives me some more room for my terrible gameplay, but ive also run across people with less gear than me that play substantially better and win. Honestly id say gear matters far more to people like myself to cover our mistakes lol. Again, just a 1950 casual, so ignore me if I’m wrong

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Nice points.

Which, highlight, the reality that if you are great, cozy, experienced, been doing it for a living/views, it might be a massive difference than someone who is “trying hard” or whatever or not playing within the same dynamics.

Still taking dozer bait in the year 2022 @ entire thread lol yikers


Some motivation for my peeps.
The thing that’s holding you back stares back at you in the mirror everyday.

The 10 ft high hoop while doing a slam dunk from the free throw line isn’t holding you back - Jordan and a few other pro players can do it so you should be able to do it as well.

See how dumb “gear isn’t holding you back because pro players that have dedicated thousands of hours to game” argument is?

Though it is right to say that gear disparity, alone, isn’t holding anyone back from achieving their rated PVP goals, I kind of think you’re missing the point why people are complaining about gear disparity in the first place.

The fact of the matter is that PVP balancing is a mess. SL is looking like BFA all over again. Gear disparity is a thing - it’s one factor, in many, leading to imbalance. The thing about gear is that it’s literally the easiest knob they could turn in order to add a bit more balance - across the board - back into the game. Make the PVP gearing system better and at least one factor would be brought into line. Though it’s true that gear disparity, alone, isn’t holding anyone back from achieving their rated PVP goal, that’s not an excuse for not addressing PVP balancing. Can we stop simping for Blizzard some time this century? If they aren’t doing their job, we should be calling them on it - not fighting each other.

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The thing is a lot of those comments/posts are from fellers who simply project/want to see people struggling, enjoy the “crying” because it makes them feel better about their own accomplishments/shortcomings/feelings that sort of thing. It’s essentially why posts like this exist.


Gear isn’t holding anyone back from mediocre achievements like rival or duelist. That’s just a fact.
Game knowledge is holding more people back than gear


Yes, game knowledge is a part as well, just glad you agree gear is also holding people back. In your opinion based on what you said “knowledge is holding people back more than gear” shows you know gear plays a factor.

Edit - for me, I know gear isn’t holding me back from higher ratings. It’s beer - me and partners drink like a fish on the one night we play this game and do arena. And I have no problem with that.

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