Gear is NOT what's holding you back

I mean, yeah, obviously, but people aren’t getting stuck anywhere because of the gear available to them at that time, which is kind of the whole “gear isn’t what’s holding you back” thing.

You aren’t going to languish in 1800-1900 forever because you sometimes queue into people who have 3-6 item levels from being 1950-2100.

A very small factor. Getting rival/duelist isn’t dependent on gear. Want to push higher then it becomes a little more of a factor because people in those brackets have farmed their gear.

Ya that idiotic argument doesn’t work when non pro players are doing it also.

This post is so enlightening, just reading it will boost your rating 500+.

I never would have thought Mike Tyson didn’t need brass knuckles to beat up amateur boxers.

Mind blown.

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You get three levels of conquest upgrades by 1400 CR.

  • Gear obviously “matters”.
  • It will not hold you back from reaching your potential.
  • It WILL make it take longer to get there and a more aggravating process.



I think the whole discussion is a bit odd. Gear matters and player skill matters. Yes, skill can makeup for lack of gear, and gear can makeup for lack of skill. However, all things being equal, the players with better gear (especially if its like 10+ilvl difference) should come out on top. On the flip side, if you’re skilled enough, and playing against opponents with much lower experience/skill, you can beat teams with 10+ilvl advantage regularly. It’s not really a black or white thing. Both are important. You can’t say getting such and such rating isn’t dependent on gear. It all depends on the player skill level. For some people, getting 2100 will require full 242 gear, gems/enchants/maxed conduits etc, max leggo…others can do it at 230ilvl with almost none of that. Depends on skill level, comp, luck, etc.


Yo Doze it’s something else. It’s actually all the time I spend reading your thousands of brain dead forum posts. Could you do me a favor and help my rating out by not posting the same topic 10 million times. I’ll be 2800 no time if you do. Okay thanks!

And there are non pro players that live in many towns that can dunk from the free throw line. The point is, whether we are talking about those people or pros we are talking about people that spend a crazy amount of playing and developing their skills.

The people you talk about are most likely a) carried or b) play this game hours on end. It’s not easy overcoming the gear disparity when fighting people that have anywhere from 20-50 ilvls on you.

As mentioned by so many other players, it should just be one set of honor gear and one set of conquest gear with a max of 10 ilvl difference in pvp.

Again, game knowledge/XP> gear every time.

You’re trying to compare apples to oranges again.

The number 1 reason why people are stuck isn’t gear. And that’s a fact

some times. Not every time.

99.9% of the time… So I guess so

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Youre pulling that number out your bum.

I mean watching r1 players with a 40+ilvl disadvantage making geared people look dumb kinda proves it.
No one is saying gear doesn’t matter. We are saying it doesn’t matter as much as you think it does.

Gear disparity affects more than the r1s though. If anything this proves it affects them less than normies

i do 0 to hero all the time in LFG and im not rank 1.

Oh yeah, I do 0 to potato in 6.2 sessions

I’m sorry? I’m not good with internet lingo, i sincerely apologize for not being able to understand what you’re saying.

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I’m saying I’m terrible and wish I could go to hero status lol. Sorry

Oh I see. In that case I doubt you’re as bad as you think you are. positioning is usually the key difference tho between lower ratings and higher ratings.

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