Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

Aside the fact that it was impossible to win any casual PvP on Horde side, sure…

I mained horde vanilla-legion. You sound like alliance these days :roll_eyes: horde did just fine. Random BG’s are basically always 50% +/- your own contribution.

Nawat, is that you?

I’d say good eye, but I’m not exactly subtle am I? Decided to “post on the main” but now I don’t play this guy either so shoulda just stayed on the ol’ cow.

lol…I recognized the quote right away. I thought you quit the game though?

Did for a good bit. Not sure exactly how long… I wanna say 6-8 months? A friend of mine and I PvP elsewhere now but they continued to pved in wow. They convinced to me to come back and try KSM. So now I pad those m+ PvE metrics of blizzards lol… PvE always gets boring though so I’ll probably take another break once I get KSM again. We have zero tier and are already 2.2k io, it’s gonna be fast to get this season. Tier looks pretty nuts.

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I’ve never quit the game but I have and can go through periods where I take a break from pvp to enjoy the pve, especially in expansions such as Legion where the pve content was so good.

Shadowlands just sucks though, so if it wasn’t for my interest in pvp I don’t know if I’d still be around LOL.


Yeah PvP just has way more lasting power…

Got my first KSM last season so I found that mildly interesting. Especially tanking. I’m healing this season on Holy Paladin which I’ve never played before so again, mildly interesting… Still don’t see myself going long past KSM though.

Now if I was enjoying PvP, I could play all season lol… Random BG’s are just so different every single game. M+ is all about nailing down the best route and doing it again and again. Gets boring kinda fast :rofl:


It’s true, people made videos of world pvp loopholes, people 9 levels below cap running around naked and throwing engineering bombs and weird stuff like that. The faux outrage and internet cringe was rife.

Look, we are in the age of spin right now. Things that can look off or be presented as off are picked up and run with like mad. If people can make a little video or have their day in the sun they will. Streamers in particular, bad streamers, will make a mockery of the game all day long if it will elevate them. And that’s what happened.

No one really heard that at same level in battlegrounds the system really worked well. Instead, the complainers who wanted unregulated epeen gameplay and fault-finders looking to elevate themselves carried the day.

Honestly it’s not unlike what we talked about in our US government class. A group of 27 beauticians writing letters to congress saying that their job needs a licensing system (people can’t work without a license) will be louder than 1,000,000 beauticians who are happy and already working.

In situations like that you need leadership that understands what’s going on and what’s better for the game. IMO, that leadership failed here with the SL pvp scheme. They should have iterated instead of rewriting.


You have no idea about what you are talking about apparently.

tinyurl . com/36ej3u8s

Actually a massive number of people were playing Ashran in wod as their end game. It was the only thing I did in Season 3. There were so many people playing that when they shut it down without notice in the prepatch people with nothing to do now started to quit. Some of us went to wintergrasp to play there, though the sharding they put in borked it. They ended up having to reopen Ashran half finished and we went there even though the mobs were now scaled to 110, which kind of changed the strategy.

They need an actual PvP director who knows what functional PvP is and has the power to make decisions. Ion is the problem. He thinks he knows but he doesn’t.


Absolutely! I still vividly remember those instant to 7 second queue timers for Random Battlegrounds in WoD.

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Here we go, looking forward with positivity! As taken from the recent deep dive.
Green - ilvl 330
Blue - ilvl 360
Epic - ilvl 386 , 5/6 before upgrade was shown as 371

Customizable stats via crafted pieces.


They already discussed PvP in the reveal for next expansion?!

Is gear still tied to rated and rating?

it’s your transmog

This is just from an observation that I saw during the reveal, some gear was up on new trading post.
Small glimpse of early devs thoughts between ilvl differences, placeholder maybe?
Who knows.

Holinka is doing an interview about PvP later today with Bajheera, so maybe they will talk about gearing then.


I don’t think I can wait any longer. If they can’t return to equal ilvl conquest PvP gear that doesn’t require rated or rating, they will have lost me as a player permanently. It’s been a long time since WoD ended and I haven’t played like AT ALL.

I won’t hold out another entire expansion to spam Random Battlegrounds; it’s been half a decade since WoD ended and waiting out all of DragonFlight is going to bring that wait up to 8 years. I wish they would call it out right now whether they aren’t bringing back MoP/WoD PvP vendors so I can hit the “Game Over” screen.

Wow! That’s both great news, and EXTREMELY frightening news. If MoP/WoD PvP gear doesn’t return where I don’t have to do rated…It’s Game Over screen for me permanently.

I will not wait out another entire expansion to play fair Random Battlegrounds.

I hope it’s not a scripted stream where gear is conveniently skipped over and not mentioned. The player base will be rejoicing like mad to hear the good news of MoP//WoD PvP vendors returning…if they do…


You got rival in both season 1 and 2 of Shadowlands.