Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

Joining a PvP match, seeing the enemy team all above 60K hp and seeing teammates with 40K hp is so disheartening. The gap MUST be shrunk.


When joining a BG, gear ilvl below a threshold gets boosted up to (260?). Players with high ilvl can keep their ilvl but at least it closes the gap.


Legion: I can’t customize my stats and the rewards suck. Can we get a vendor and wod gearing back?

Bfa: I have no idea what my damage in and out will be because of scaling and the rewards suck. Plus scaling is broken. Can we get a vendor and wod gearing back?

SL: gear gap is too large but you finally gave us the vendor back. Can we get wod gearing back?

It’s like talking to a wall lol.

I’d honestly prefer to keep the current version of the system but all pvp gear scales to max ilvl.

This way there is still a vendor to grind gear and rewards. We can choose our stats a bit. Rating locks the pve progression of the gear which matches other forms of gearing progression. It gives pvp an even playing field and is dictated by skill only. No other factor other than balance.


I would like to see a hybrid of Legion and things.
Disable PVE gear in PVP and replace it with a base template based on rating. Only allow PVP trinkets.
PVPers who want to customize stats can buy PVP gear where they can chose the stats or craft for certain stats.


They dont care about pvp. Ion needs to be demoted or canned. Hes proven to be incompetent


You can get the best gear through casual bg’s. Stop complaining about gear it’s cringe.

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Blizzard has open disdain for their own customers because of their pride and arrogance. Those who are currently in charge are 100% disconnected from the majority of players that blizzard themselves asked for feedback from.

There are countless posts begging them to make 1 honor and 1 conquest set which they have ignored for years. Blizzard has mountains upon mountains of feedback on this topic via YouTube, Twitch, and other social media.

Despite all of this, they set up the community council under the guise of the promise to communicate to us and to listen to what we want. As predicted, they ignore that feedback and rarely answer the council.

Those in charge should be fired for their incompetence and disrespect towards their own player base that has paid their salaries for the last 15+ years. Sub numbers have plummeted because of this. It takes a special type of incompetence and stupidity to lose subs during a pandemic and yet, this bunch has. I’m actually impressed and that’s not sarcasm.


Y’all complained in BFA when you discovered there was hidden scaling making your characters effectively weaker for having socketed items (something that should be clear power progression) and wanted heads to roll when you found out about it. Game was also way too slow

Blizzard promptly changes said hidden scaling and increased crit damage, and you get Shadowlands, one shotty with absolutely no scaling whatsoever. Your gear was your gear.

Maybe if you guys actually thought about what you complained about BEFORE you say it instead of just using the forums as a glorified QQ therapy session you’d get changes that make more sense.

Power scaling with ilvl is 100% stupid, and a lot of the decisions blizzard makes are mind boggling
that being said from their perspective it’s impossible to get any kind of decent feedback because you all whine all day literally no matter WHAT they do.


Do you think it’s currently a good gearing system design Illidanar? If you were a game designer, do you think this design would help PvP? And how is the PvP attendance right now? Not attacking. Genuinely curious.

I think the system is almost close to perfect; outside of obvious rating gated ilvl scaling and power creeps from ilvls making the game impossible to play for people that are undergeared, the system works really well and the buffs to gains and nerfs to costs makes item acquisition feel good.

I don’t love tier sets in arena for two reasons, pveing to pvp is stupid and we all know they weren’t designed from a pvp perspective.

Really the only thing wrong with the game is the ilvl scaling being out of control. I think 99% of people just want fair matches where I can log on to my character and Q arena without having to worry about being behind.


I agree. I think if they got rid of the rating gates and simplified the gear, people would return. Adversely they left for this reason and it is a big reason.


I think 99% of people just want fair matches where I can log on to my character and Q arena without having to worry about being behind.

That’s where I think a lot of people were at. I don’t mind grinding for gear, but being severely undergeared and timegated to grind out gear isn’t fun. Fresh toon hits 60 and wants to hop right into PVP? Have fun


just gonna plug my idea of a low barrier to entry flat power system with customizable stats:

all pvp gear scales to same ilvl in pvp/warmode. ilvl grows 1 per week starting from season start to max ilvl 30 weeks in.

honor gear has templated stats and is purchased with gold at a price cheap enough a fresh 60 and buy a full set.

conquest gear is earned and you set the stats on it like using missives when making a legendary. the PVE ilvl of custom conquest gear can be raised by getting higher rating in rated pvp.


Casual bg’s have rating now? Since when?


Incorrect. rank 2-9 is locked behind rated and that is a LARGE gap. 7-9 is more reasonable but 2-9? whew


Well sure, play rated battlegrounds casually.

its going to get much much worse when tier set premade group are going to rolf stomp pugs.

im most likely sitting out wow pvp when tier sets are released until prepatch when they will be disabled.

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I don’t think the tier sets themselves will make that big a difference. It’s the sheer ilvl gap between players whom have pushed the highest righting vs. players whom are just starting out.


a lot of the decisions blizzard makes are mind boggling
that being said from their perspective it’s impossible to get any kind of decent feedback because you all whine all day literally no matter WHAT they do

I see this constantly. Someone shows up to cannibalize the community and essentially gaslight on Blizzard’s behalf, going “what do you people want?!” as if what was delivered was really what we asked for.

The truth is- it’s more like the fictional trope of some genie or demon granting wishes. Technically you got what you wanted, but always with some horrendous twist. I hated the scaling in BfA. I wanted vendors back. Did I want several tiers of upgrades locked behind rating and a massive honor grind? No. Did most people? Probably not. But we got it anyway. “Wish granted”


Yeah. I remember in bfa people were complaining about the scaling, how pve was required, and how the rewards from pvp sucked.

In the same breath, they asked for wod gearing.

So, blizzard didn’t implement what the players wanted. They implemented their own version.

This is what they do. They listen to player feedback, give the players what they want, BUT with their own twist.

So, blaming blizzard is still the way to go.

This isn’t difficult.

Players ‘we want wod gearing back’

Blizzard ‘heres an updated version’

Players ‘this isn’t what we asked for’

Blizzard shills ‘you always complain no matter what they do’


All they gotta do is go back to WoD gearing.