Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

no i will not


No. It sucks.


It is true, he actually said that. It was actutally despised and hated by the vast majority of the playerbase as you were forced to play it even if you were doing only pve. It was called Trashcan for a reason.

The joke was the typical Blizzard mentality when they just pull a measure out of nothing and try to prove their bad decisions.

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 You’re going a bit far lol 
 You’re forgetting that was the great prune. Don’t get me wrong I loved wod and played/pvpd all of it. Still mops gearing was decent and class design was on a level we’ve never seen any other time.

Now if we could get an expansion where we had mop class design and wod gearing? That would be pinnacle lol.

 I’d say like 50/50. I knew a few people that loved it. Definitely was some hate though.

False. I never went in there. Basically ever. And got some of the highest ratings I ever did. I know the rng trinkets were desired but they were nowhere near the level of stuff before and after.

You wanna talk about forced. PvE in BFA for pvpers. Those trinkets all expansion long were absolutely nutty. When both our melee got the drest ones we went up 300 rating in one session lol.

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if you hate endgame so much stop playing it.
plenty of fun to be had from 10-59.

The amount of people who sub to the game just to complain about it. Or even unsubbed but still clicking like on all negative posts. What a
they have.

MMR needs to be added and tightened up.

Me personally, I am sick of the excuses. They knew from past expansions that things like HIGE barriers to entry and rating gates was bad for pvp. They had it working well in Mop and Wod. I don’t know a anyone that thought they needed to “FIX” gearing at that time. Its all for boosters and token sells.

one honor set
one conquest set


no its even worse at those lvls with the twinks ruining lower bracket pvp its the same effect no pvp is safe not sorry neither is fun .

im not going to go from max level pvp getting deleted to goign to lvl 10 and getting deleted by twinks yea no

Player one: Oh hey I dont have gear for randoms.

Carry seller: Boom I got you . For gold of course

Player one: Buys tokens for gear carries

Blizzard prospers even with declining player numbers

2022 business model now


So I can upgrade my gear to be equal with a rated player’s gear.
Did that patch just come out?

the problem with max level is you cant help but be undergeared until you grind out the honor/conquest/leggos. in leveling brackets you can gear up BEFORE you step into a bg.

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Fixed that for you.

I am done waiting for the devs to wake the f*** up and fix PvP from 10-60. The whole game is just a cashgrab with mediocre gameplay and no player agency in the story.

The market is flooded with games, many of which look far superior to this. Evidently many others think so as well, due to subs plummeting. Even some of the long time streamers of WoW have jumped ship :rofl:.

Good luck guys, hope the game gets better - but I doubt it.


whats keeping the “average leveler” from running those same dungeons?
now you’re blaming chromie time which is ridiculous.

can i have your stuff?

With how many dungeon runs it takes to get _______ piece to drop - personal loot sucks + legacy loot is bullsh**. And the impact of having 20+ sockets on gear vs the heirloom leveler, do you not see the issue?


dont have to run dungeons for gear with sockets. the biggest hinderance to new players is lack of information.

all PvP Conquest gear should scale to max ilvl on rated PvP


I think you forgot about the Apexis grind my friend :slight_smile:

There are many many solutions, even incredibly simple ones (as it has been discussed in the pvp gear thread with 1K replies last year) it is just Blizzard intentionally implementing time wasters and promoting in-game boosting for token sales.

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The only thing I grinded was 2s/3s/random and rated bgs I assure you. Seriously fun expansion for PvP outside of the ability prune.

Because it frees you from playing this crap for the rest of the week? j/k

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