Gear disparity is killing PvP, how can you not see this Blizz

better idea remove rateing ties for upgrades and make every show how good they really are

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And I probably got a /played of 9-12 days played at max level
like, ugggghhhhh it’s infuriating to know that I clocked an ungodly /played 100 days at max level in MoP (90 in WoD on diff toon)

When I say “Play”, I don’t mean grabbing a worthless achievement that doesn’t mean a damn thing anyway because of boosting; I mean actually “PLAYING” the damn game, putting some friggin wear and tear on my components and peripherals because I’m playing so much.

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You tell me mister level 10. I’ve posted on all my toons multiple times. I have a 60-65% win percentage regardless of faction or toon :roll_eyes: other people have posted with higher regardless of faction.

Eh I’m not holding my breath or a huge fan. The guy likes gear disparities and one shoting people.

Check the rest of today’s bg forum posts. :wink:

He actually confirmed real WoD gearing and said the reason they didn’t just do it in the middle of SL was war mode scaling, I guess they didn’t want mythic ilvl in the open world for free and he said they couldn’t just change that mid expansion
 The only upgrades in Dragonflight will be PvE ilvl for outside of PvP, so just two sets with two ilvls otherwise. They won’t scale to the PvP ilvl in war mode though.

Well that first part there, probably. If you take the whole of warcraft and how pvp evolved, even from back when purples were added in from pvp alone — that was an earthquake change to the game. It’s big enough to need some more complex thought and treatment. Like graduated (ilvl) scaling is probably needed in playground type unrated battlegrounds, always. And not in other pvp. That’s just one example.

But as for this Ion guy I know f**kall about how decisions are made in that company, people bring that guy up a lot but who knows. Maybe it is him and he’s the problem, but just as likely or maybe even more likely it’s other stuff. So I have no clue there.

EDIT: and those are some interesting tidbits about ashran and end of play in WoD 
 which was actually a hell of a lot of fun. Both ashran and being able to explore the xpac, which was really well designed 
 once flying was available. and the garrison was tamed somewhat.

I recall Ion telling us we were getting wod-type gearing with PvP vendors before the Shadowlands beta. I’ll believe it when I see it, which is after it goes live.


Lol I don’t have the stamina anymore :sob: back in wod and legion I used to go forever with jugga. Maybe if what bluster says is true I might care enough again next expac?!?!!?

Woa woa woa
 For real? I do get them not swapping it mid expansion but I’m just waiting for some sort of catch
 There always seems to be.

If true I actually can’t wait. Like I legit am super hyper even if I don’t care for dragon people. If they psych us out though I’m coming to your house and we are going to talk about how you got my hopes up lol


Yep, even Ion confirmed it. See the WoWhead article here:

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 Legit, I’m super duper hyped up right now
 If they have some sort of catch you’re gonna have to buy me a puppy I will be so down.

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What are you going to name the puppy? :slight_smile:

With all the trust issues they’ve created, I repeat that they’ve created, I will remain skeptical until we actually see how this works live.

It wouldn’t surprise me to see conquest only available through rated play or some other type of “gotcha” attached to this.


Stamina for what, man? The 6 or 7 of us left that still post here? lol

Anyways this is all good news about the gearing and I hope there’s not some last minute silly catch

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Actually, he just said different ilvl for PVP and PVE. We foolishly thought they meant WoD gearing.

Holinka was very clearly describing WoD gearing but with PVE ilvl upgrades tied to rating.

You realise I’m an EU player, right? :roll_eyes: Also you can post whatever you want and how many alts you want you are still talking bollocks. You have not even checked the picture I have linked that 100% confirms you have no bright clue about WOD unrated PVP. You just rant about yourself being so cool and have a high winrate when the discussion was about WoD unrated PvP being massively biased towards alliance because of the broken human racial.

I’m done with you, you are clearly a self bloated idiot. Have a nice day.

60%+ on all ur toons. ur the chosen one.

Yeah I’m a glad on my other account so I get it :roll_eyes: I totally use it to go post on Eu forums for some reason.

It was really good no doubt. I still had no problem in unranked PvP.

Naw I got shown up good by a few of the other posters on here. One guy had over 80% lol
 he ques with a group, but still pretty impressive.

Simple fact is if you’re losing over 50% of your games, you coulda probably played better and blamed your team less.

Took them 8 years to realise WoD had it best
 Too bad all legends were out long time ago.

if ur EU u cant post on ur main in US forum. u have to post with a char that is on a US server. its the same with me this dk here is the only US char i have since im EU.

80% winrate, ofc he q’s with a group.

u prob couldve played better but that doesnt mean u wouldve won.
like if u have bad luck with ur groups u can easily drop below that 50%.

I get the premise. The point is I don’t believe you :roll_eyes: why in the world would an EU player feel the need to spend their time on us forums? Our experiences are completely different.

If you’re Eu, go post in the EU forums. If not post on your main. The rest of us can’t take you seriously as is.

You start facing other premades more often when you que with groups. My win percentage actually drops when I play with friends. It’s why I mostly solo que. 80% is good, regardless.

It’s completely rng. By that you’re absolutely going to have some losing streaks. Just because you forget your win streaks doesn’t mean a faction was bad. In BFA all the alliance cry threads and my alliance dwarf won 12 games straight. Straight. He lost 8 of 10 before that but that’s still over a 50% win rate.

Reality is, over enough games, rng is going to even you out at 50% win rate. +/- your own contribution. And no I don’t mean padding the meters the most in every team fight :roll_eyes: